8 Ways to Celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation!

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Father Lawrence Lew, via FLickr, licensed cc.

Today the church celebrates Mary’s fiat – saying yes to God’s messenger to become the Mother of Jesus. Exactly nine months from today is Christmas!   So here are some ways to make the day special and honor the Blessed Mother.

1.  Get to mass or watch it live-streamed if you are unable. My parish will live stream the mass for the feast day tomorrow!!  So you can catch it here. 

2. Say the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

3. Pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary as a family.

4. Put flowers in front of your favorite statue of Mary, in your home or at church.

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5. The Annunciation is exactly 9 months before Christmas. Start your list of people to buy for and pray over the list, asking for Mary’s Intercession.

6. Start planning your flower garden, or if you live in a region out of frost danger, plant some flowers that symbolize the life of Mary.

7. Wear Blue today or put a blue table cloth on your table today.

8. Play some Marian Music!

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