For the Love of St. John – Third Day of Christmas

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St John the Evangelist

Happy Third Day of Christmas

Before Christmas, the church spent a lot of time talking about Christ’s family tree, relatives, and the Holy Family. So it makes some sense that on this day we would remember one of his best friends, St. John

  • St. John was known as the beloved apostle. He was the only apostle not to leave Jesus during his passion and crucifixion.
  • While He was on the cross, Jesus entrusted his mother’s care to St. John.
  • After the resurrection, John was the first one to recognize the Lord Lake Tiberias. He was also the first one to reach the tomb after racing there!
  • St. John lived to old age and was the only apostle not to die a martyr’s death, although there were a few attempts on his life. He was even thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil but survived.
  • He was banished to the Greek island of Patmos — a small (10 miles by 6 miles) volcanic island in the Aegean Sea, near the coast of Turkey. This is where he wrote the book of Revelation.
  • St. John is the Patron Saint of art dealers, authors, bookbinders and sellers, editors engravers, painters, printers, publishers, and pretty much everything that has to do with publishing and printing books and art.
  • His intercession is invoked against poison and burns since he was both poisoned and burned but lived to tell the tale!
  • He is the patron saint of Taos, New Mexico and its vibrant art community. Also Asia Minor and Umbria Italy.  The diocese of Cleveland also has him as a patron saint. So does Milwaukee.

How to Celebrate

Father: Lord Jesus Christ, Thou didst call Thyself thevine and Thy Holy Apostles the branches: and out of all thsoe who love Thee, thou did desire to make a good vineyard. Bless this wine and pour into it the might of thy benediction so that everyone who drinks or take it, may through the intercession of Thy beloved disciple, John, be freed from every disease or attack of illness and obtain health of body and soul. In Jesus name we pray.

All: Amen

  • Call a friend or write a letter to a friend you haven’t spoken to recently.
  • Hang out with a friend and share some wine!

The craft I made for Pentecost a few years back gets used now for every Apostolic feast day.  For St. John’s feast, I put some of our Christmas candles in it and lit them for a pretty centerpiece.

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