Election day has come and gone and we’ve had a few days to think about it.
Hey, to my friends on the left … I get it. It’s not easy to lose an election. I’ve been on the wrong side of the vote a number of times. Most recently 2008, 2012, and 2020 come to mind. It’s damn hard and it hurts.
You know what else it is? Temporary. The winds of change come along every two years – four for president. In the meantime we pick ourselves up, and keep living our lives. The only thing we know to be true and constant in this world is change.
But what is accomplished by this constant belly aching? I’ve seen grown women crying on Instagram over this election. And to be clear, it comes off as fake. It means you had to set up your camera or your phone, work yourself up into a tizzy, and then edit and download that onto the internet for everyone to see.
Is it just to show solidarity with the others who lost the election? Because it’s not influencing the people that actually voted for the President Elect. I can’t tell you how little those staged tears move the needle for me as far as caring about your pain and anguish.
It’s starting to be annoying. Just stop it.
Highlights in liberal grief.
My old nemesis Cecily Kellogg was back in rare form. She writes:
I keep seeing people say “we have love (sic) those we don’t agree with” and to that I say: I THINK F#&**&g NOT.
Then she goes on to play the “I could’ve died without my abortion 20 years ago” card. She never gets into particulars and if anyone digs any deeper on that she goes apoplectic. And she never mentions that there is never a medical reason to save the life of the mother for the baby to purposefully killed.
She also says:
You think my trans kid needs Jesus but doesn’t need their trans affirming care? FU
I’m not sure what that has to do with the election. I think what she means is, if you don’t think that YOU, as a taxpayer, should PAY for her kid’s elective trans affirming care then FU. For the record on that, if her kid wants to have elective surgery over the age 18 (I think she just graduated last year) and she can pay for it or get insurance to cover it, then that’s up to her. It’s still a free country.
Other crazy things I saw this week was the author of a book on developing Critical Thinking Skills in our kids lose it on Instagram. Her mother is sick in the hospital and she just wanted to see a woman president. I’m unclear on where the critical thinking is on that. Said author also made a big deal over Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala. Again, I don’t think she’s doing her brand any favors.
Lastly @mskimhale on Instagram, the 50something who went to New York last year to pursue her long deferred dance dreams had a full on crying sesh on Instagram on Wednesday. It’s deleted now. Maybe because people started to unfollow her.
None of these ladies realize that a good chunk of their fans and followers were in that popular vote, and by their immature actions they’re turning those folks away. Well, I think most of those folks left Cecily years ago, but still …
This too shall pass. Just chill and let’s see what happens. And if it doesn’t go your way, run a better candidate next time. Do some soul searching. Do better.