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Mary’s birthday is celebrated exactly 9 months after the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.


Mary’s Birthday is one of only three that we celebrate during the liturgical year, the other two being John the Baptist and of course Jesus!

The story of Mary’s birth is somewhat familiar.  Joachim and Anne were two holy people, married for many years without being able to conceive a child.  But by remaining faithful to the Lord, they were rewarded by finally conceiving a baby- the little girl who would become the Blessed Mother.  The story goes that the Angel Gabriel appeared both to Joachim and Anne separately, telling them the good news that they were pregnant, and when Joachim and Anne found each other to share the news they each already knew!!

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Traditions on Mary’s Birthday

In France, this is the day for harvesting the best grapes and bringing them to the church.

In the Alps, ranchers bring their herds down from the summer pastures for the safekeeping in the winter.

Ways to Celebrate!

We read Mary My Mother by Father Lawrence Lovasik and Catholic Traditions In The Home And Classrooms: 365 Days To Celebrate A Catholic Year

Say the Rosary together.

Have a white dinner in honor of Mary’s purity! White chili with chicken is always a nice dinner. Noodles with white sauce are also good!

Make a white cake with 20 candles, one for each decade of the rosary with all of the mysteries represented. Or make a rosary out of cupcakes around your table. That would be fun too – but a little more work!

Recite the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Say a special prayer today for couples suffering from infertility.

Sing some Marian Hymns!


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