Easy and inexpensive ideas to decorate for Pentecost Sunday

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We are finally at the end of the Easter Season. Time to put away the white table cloth and spring flowers and get ready for summer! Pentecost gives us the chance to come out with a huge splash of bright colors – red, yellows, oranges. All are reminders of the power of the Holy Spirit.

Here are some easy ways to get your domestic church ready for this big day in the liturgical year.

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Invest in a red tablecloth

Honestly, you could probably just go to the craft store and get a plastic red cloth. If you have really little kids, that might still be your best bet because tables with little kids get a lot of wear and tear.

But I really like the look and feel of a tablecloth made with real fabric, so I purchased two red table clothes and cover them over with plastic to protect them. This is the plastic tablecloth I use on my table.

Red tableclothes come in handy during Christmas, Valentine’s Day and the 4th of July too. So you will get your money’s worth with them!

Pentecost 2022

Silk flowers are your friend!

I love real flowers, but there are times when you just don’t have them in bloom, or you can’t get to the store to buy them. A couple of times a year I go to Michael’s or Hobby Lobby to purchase silk flowers on sale. Something like this would be perfect for Pentecost.

pentecost center piece 2014

Easy Crafts you can do quickly

Catholic Icing offers an affordable monthly membership to coloring pages, art work, prayer cards and more that you can use every month to make your home a sacred place. This month’s offering included a lovely picture of Mary at Pentecost. I bought a frame at the dollar store to display it in.

Pentecost 2022

I also printed a candle wrap. That wraps around a votive candle that I also bought at a craft store. It’s secured with tape and can easily be replaced with next month’s wrape. Printing both of those items and putting them into place only took a few minutes.

I also printed and displayed these lovely prayer cards for Pentecost.

Pentecost 2022
Pentecost 2022

The little flowers by the prayer card were from Hobby Lobby

Feeling craftier?

Here are directions for the centerpiece I use every year on my table.

Pentecost 2022
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We made a windsock one year using this template from Catholic icing. I used foam sheets for the background and the dove. The streamers I got at the fabric store.

pentecost wind sock 2014
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1 Comment

  1. […] Mark was one of the attendants at the wedding in Cana. It is even said that St. Mark’s family home was a place where Jesus and the apostles often stayed and that it was in the upper room of the house where they had the Last Supper. This is also the place of Pentecost. […]

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