10 quick facts about St. Simon and St. Jude Thaddeus, the Saint of Lost Causes

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I couldn’t find my keys. They weren’t in my purse or on the hook where I usually put them. They weren’t locked in the car. I had absolutely no idea where they were or where else to look. So I did what my mama taught me, and sent up a quick SOS prayer to St. Jude, the patron of lost causes. Moments later, the keys showed up and again I was grateful for St. Jude’s intercession.

When we think of the apostles, the names Peter, Andrew, James and John just flow from our memories. But Saint Simon and St. Jude Thaddeus played an important part in Jesus’ ministry. Here are some things to think about on this, their feast day.

St. Jude Thaddeus

  1. St. Jude is referred to as Thaddeus in the bible.
  2. His symbols include a boat and a walking stick to symbolize his travels.
  3. He is usually depicted carrying an image of Christ in his hand.
  4. He also is usually depicted wearing green as a symbol of hope and renewal.
  5. He wrote an epistle too! Today would be a good day to read it!
  6. Prayer to St. Jude.

Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, friend of Jesus, I place myself in your care at this difficult time. Pray for me; help me remember that I need not face my troubles alone. Please join me in my need, asking God to send me consolation in my sorrow, courage in my fear, and healing in the midst of my suffering.

St Jude Thaddeus
Father Lawrence Lew, via FLickr, licensed cc.

7. St. Jude Thaddeus was the brother of James the Lesser and a cousin of Jesus Christ. He is usually asked for intercession in difficult or impossible cases.

8. King Abgarus of Edessa, a leper who also suffered from gout, sent a letter to Jesus asking for his image. The Lord pressed his face onto a piece of cloth and gave it to St. Jude to present to the afflicted king. It is said that with this wonderful present in his possession, he also got to hear St. Jude preach the gospel. He was instantly converted and spread Christianity to his kingdom.

9. St. Jude traveled throughout Mesopotamia, Libya, and Persia. After he was martyred, his body was brought to Rome and he is buried in a tomb with St. Simon in a crypt in St. Peter’s Basilica.

St. Simon

10. Simon’s symbols include  a fish or fishing lines for being a “Fisher of men,”

11. When Emperor Trajan ordered the destruction of the descendants of David, St. Simon was denounced, tortured, and crucified. Tradition says he was 120 years old and his sufferings inspired many.

12. I can’t help it, but when I think of St. Simon the Zealot, I think of this!

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