Feast of the Archangels – Michaelmas

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Feast of the archangels

The Feast of the Archangels is one of those feast days that my family makes a special point of remembering during the liturgical year.  Two of my sons, Gabriel, and sweet baby Raphael, are named for the archangels.

Our celebration includes mass and some special food -deviled eggs and devils food cake (for Michael’s triumph over Satan in the battle of the angles) and angel hair pasta! which will be good for my runner who has competitions this week as well!

CYO Cross country 2015 721

Who are the archangels?

The Sacred Scriptures have revealed the proper names of only three Angels, all of whom belong to the Choir of the Archangels. The names are well known to all, namely: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael. 

History of the Feast day

September 29 was traditionally Michaelmas – the feast of St. Michael.  We now recognize all three archangels on this day.

St. Michael

From fairly early on, Michaelmas was an important holiday, the religious or Christian equivalent of the autumn equinox. In England, it was considered the start of a new quarter. It marked the start of a new business year, a time for electing officials, making contracts, paying rent, hiring servants, holding court and starting school.

Obviously we still see the remnants of this in the timing of our elections and school year. This is also a time when the weather is known to change. In Italy, they say “For St. Michael, heat goes into the heavens.” In Ireland, people expect a marked decrease in sickness or disease. The Irish also consider this a lucky day for fishing.

Today is also one of the 4 English Quarter Days which fall around the Equinoxes or Solstices and mark the beginning of new seasons. These were used in medieval times to mark the “quarters” for legal purposes such as settling debts. The other days are Lady Day (Feast of the Annunciation) on March 25 and the Feast of St. John on June 24, and Christmas day on December 25.


This is why I change the tablecloth and decorations in my dining room table to set a more fall-theme for the household.

St. Michael
In the book of Revelation,  we learn of the battle in heaven, with St. Michael and his angels combatting Lucifer and the other fallen angels (or devils). We invoke St. Michael to help us in our fight against Satan; to rescue souls from Satan, especially at the hour of death; to be the champion of the Jews in the Old Testament and now Christians; and to bring souls to judgment.

St. Michael the Archangel, 
defend us in battle. 
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. 
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, 
and do thou, 
O Prince of the heavenly hosts, 
by the power of God, 
thrust into hell Satan, 
and all the evil spirits, 
who prowl about the world 
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..

St. Gabriel
St. Gabriel’s name means “God is my strength”. Biblically he appears three times as a messenger. He had been sent to Daniel to explain a vision concerning the Messiah. He appeared to Zachary when he was offering incense in the Temple, to foretell the birth of his son, St. John the Baptist. St. Gabriel is most known as the angel chosen by God to be the messenger of the Annunciation, to announce to mankind the mystery of the Incarnation.

O loving messenger of the Incarnation, descend upon all those for whom I wish peace and happiness. Spread your wings over the cradles of the new-born babes, O thou who didst announce the coming of the Infant Jesus.
Give to the young a lily petal from the virginal scepter in your hand. Cause the Ave Maria to re-echo in all hearts that they may find grace and joy through Mary.
Finally, recall the sublime words spoken on the day of the Annunciation– “Nothing is impossible with God,” and repeat them in hours of trial–to all I love–that their confidence in Our Lord may be reanimated, when all human help fails. Amen.

St. Raphael
Our knowledge of the Archangel Raphael comes to us from the book of Tobit. His mission as a wonderful healer and fellow traveler with the youthful Tobias has caused him to be invoked for journeys and at critical moments in life. Tradition also holds that Raphael is the angel that stirred the waters at the healing sheep pool in Bethesda. His name means “God has healed”.

God who in Thy ineffable goodness hast rendered blessed Raphael the conductor of thy faithful in their journeys, we humbly implore Thee that we may be conducted by him in the way of salvation, and experience his help in the maladies of our souls. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

How we celebrate.

September 2013 084

It has taken me some time to get statues of all three archangels.  When I had the money, I bought them.

September 2013 082

Here is what our table looked like three years ago for dinner on the feast day. We have a traditional Angel Hair pasta chicken dish, deviled eggs, angel food cake, and some other goodies.

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Feast of the Archangels 2009 008


The author of this book came to our church a few years ago and I had a chance to purchase this book and get his autograph! We will be using some of the meditations from it today as well.

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1 Comment

  1. […] These are the angels we are probably most familiar with. We even have a combined big feast day for Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael in the fall. […]

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