Catching Up – Graduation

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Rosie graduated from high school on Saturday, which was also her 18th birthday.

We had a Baccalaureate mass for all of the homeschool graduates and their families, followed by commencement, conferring of the diplomas, and then a potluck reception immediately following.

The next big thing for me will be her grad party next week and then just getting her ready for college as a commuter student. Her drive is approximately 30 minutes on the highway, and I admit that gives me a bit of anxiety, but I think she’s up for the challenge.

Thus ends my 28-year journey of homeschooling my own children which has led to one becoming a paramedic and working steadily for over 10 years; the second one owning a restaurant and using the proceeds from that to travel the world and work in some Michelin star restaurants; my third son working in maintenance at a major state university; number four graduating with honors and working in financial fraud detection after paying off all of his student loans, and now two daughters attending college.

More importantly, I also have two wonderful grandchildren, three beautiful and kind daughters-in-law, and a family that genuinely enjoys each other’s company.

Would things have turned out as well if we had not homeschooled our children? Possibly. But I’m happy with how things turned out.

But I’m not done.

Both of Miss C’s parents support her home education. I have her five days a week most weeks and she is thriving in all of her academics as well as piano. She is two grade levels ahead in many areas according to her California Achievement test, so apparently I’m doing okay. I certainly work my life around her time with me. So I’m done, but still have a ways to go with my granddaughter – and I’m very blessed to be doing that.

But I am also going to spend more time getting my home in order, practicing my flute, and preparing for next year’s co-op. A trip to see the new baby might happen this summer as well.

Some extra senior pictures that I shot myself:

Rosie on porch at Perkins mansion
Rosie mansion 2

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