Catching Up – The Late January Edition

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  1. We are in full-school mode now. Rosie is dutifully finishing up her Senior year projects and school work as well as writing essays for scholarships. She also won a substantial part in the homeschool co-op play. That on top of track will keep her very busy this spring. Her financial aid package came today for Walsh. As a commuter student, everything is covered for next year. Now she just needs more driving experience!
  2. I am now preparing for two classes every week at the co-op. I am totally immersed in reviewing and re-learning American History. One discovery I have made – the History Channel presentations are better than those of PBS – except for Ken Burns and his Civil War documentary. The History Channel biography of Andrew Jackson is just way better than the other ones I watched. I also discovered Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Series. Two of his books, “Killing England, ” and “Killing Horse” are superb, well-written, and packed with information.
  3. Last week we covered the Revolutionary War – condensing that into a one-hour lecture was a challenge but I found that I was done after 45 minutes. Luckily, I also had material on George Washington and Ben Franklin to fill the remaining time. Jordan Peterson says that you have to have at least 5 hours of information for a one-hour lecture and I think he’s right. It helps if you really like the topic too.
  4. In my Little House Literature Class, I’m trying to make the book, Farmer Boy, come alive for the kids. We missed class this week for a snow day, but Miss C. and I still made Mrs. Wilder’s doughnuts from scratch at home – and they were delicious!

5. If anyone is following the Sister Wives Drama or the Duggars online I think we can learn one thing – kids don’t stay little, and when they grow up they can use their voice against their upbringing. Come to think of it, that’s the theme of Prince Harry as well! It certainly is a season of throwing the parents under the bus. Fascinating, but very sad too. My family growing up had a few secrets, but we kept them to ourselves for better or worse. And while I think it’s better for families to talk about things amongst themselves, I also think it’s important to protect each other in the family. Nobody is perfect and family really should be there for each other. Certainly, it’s disconcerting to watch these offspring make a profit off of their family’s foibles. It’s like watching a train crash.

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1 Comment

  1. I think the main take-away from those three examples is that life isn’t meant to be lived in public–and when you choose to make your family life public whether on a “reality ” show or because you are royalty, your kids don’t grow up with the filter between public and private.

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