Catching Up- the first week of school edition

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  • I’m happy to report that Noah and Annabelle made it through the first two weeks of marriage. I was at the park last night with Miss C. and her cross-country team when they came running by together. They seem to be settling into married life just fine. They’re still trying to figure out their kitchen and shopping routines. Luckily, they literally live across the street from two grocery stores!
  • The day after the wedding, we all went to mass and this sweet thing happened – about 10:50 on the video
  • Speaking of Miss C and cross country – her mom and dad have done a great job of getting her to practice. She even ran her first meet of the year and her dad took her. But she still skips a practice here and there just because. I told her that if she could make it to every practice for a week, I’ll take her to the dollar store. This seems to be a great incentive for her!! Truth be told, it’s a lot of fun for me too.
Charlotte 2022 running
  • Izzy made it through her first couple of weeks of college too! She has three art classes that are mainly in the morning. Then she has to dash across campus (and I’m not sure if she runs or drives – I’m sure she has tried out both. They’re about the same timewise since parking is an issue over by the hall where the class is held). Her math class is online and that has actually been the hardest class to access. On the first day, most of the class had no idea how to access it. Then this week, Izzy just got into the class, was greeted by the teacher, and then the computer put up the blue screen of death. Luckily, I found a great deal on a laptop at Amazon and got it for her. It’s an early Christmas present.
  • Miss C. and Rosie had their first day of homeschool co-op too! Miss C is in the 4th grade, and Rosie is a high school senior.
  • I am teaching a course I named “Little House Literature.” It’s for third to sixth graders and it’s supposed to be a step up from Five in a Row. I’m actually doing a mini unit study with every 20 pages. Rosie made this sign for the door outside my room at the co-op.
  • Did you notice I wore the same dress to both of my son’s weddings? Yep. Sam got married last September, and 11 months later Noah got married. Two summer weddings! I liked my dress for Sam’s wedding so much and it was so comfortable, I got the same dress in blue for Noah! The only difference for me is that I was 6 pounds lighter for Noahs’ wedding and the dress felt even better!
Sam and Kassi's wedding 2021 217
Last year 2021
Sam and Kassi's wedding 2021 214
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