Accepting a new Administration

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 (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

Does anyone remember this lady? Kneeling there, screaming with her eyes closed because she didn’t like the man who was being inaugurated as president of the United States. I’m sure she’s much happier today.

Me, not as much. But I’m old enough to know that the wheel keeps turning, things keep changing, and if this year, or month, or term isn’t quite the way I want it to be, if I just wait long enough, there’ll be another one.

I’m not a huge fan of Joe Biden. I feel a little sorry for him because I don’t think he’s really up for the job. However, I dislike Kamala Harris and there’s only Joe standing between us and her. Nonetheless, I accept Biden as president – because I’m an American, and unlike what we’ve seen over the past four years, I can respect the office of the POTUS even if I don’t much care for the man holding the office. I’m not going to be a big baby about it. I’ll persevere and get through it instead.

And gee whiz – I still taught my kids about government and about the white house and how our constitution works. It blows my mind that some moms don’t teach those things because they didn’t like the guy in the highest office.

Whenever someone takes over the presidency, I always hope that they have a Thomas Beckett moment and rise to the office. I pray the same for Joe Biden. I want him to be a good man and a good president. That’s what I pray for him. That’s what everyone should have prayed for the president over the past four years, and shame on you if you didn’t.

None of that means that I think this election was fair. I’m a little concerned that we won’t ever have another fair election if Voter ID isn’t required. I understand that Ohio did an excellent job even with mail-in voting. Maybe they can sell the secret to some of our sister states. But we can’t prove it right now so I have to accept it. I’m sure that years from now the truth will come out. We know the 1960 election was stolen. But I won’t be around in 60 years to find out. Maybe my kids will.

In the meantime I heard a professor give some very good advice that we should all be aware of all the time, maybe more than ever. Don’t accept everything on face value. Be skeptical. Ask questions. Ask for proof. Hold your elected officials accountable. Don’t go along to get along and don’t accept results, any results, just because you like them. Always question and test your hypothesis.

I think we’re in for a lot of problems in the next four years. I think we’re going to see more attacks on the family and family structure in the name of progress. As a Catholic Christian, I remind you that your best weapon is prayer. Hang onto your rosaries, go to mass, get to confession and the Eucharist. Live your best life in Christ. And remember, regardless of who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – Christ is still King.

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  1. Welcome to the second Catholic President. Pro abortion, Pro Iran, Pro China (will our Mexico policy help in the extermination of Uighur?). What war will we be in next? Make the Pope proud!
    My Country, right or wrong. My President, right or wrong.
    I am praying and moving West.

  2. We are moving to Idaho, back to my husband’s wide open hometown. Ah, to be in an LDS town! I never thought talking to missionaries would be a joy? At 70 my husband said, “I cannot do this anymore. Not even your church is open!”

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