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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 


To get away from all the turmoil of last week, I sat down to binge-watch the 1980s miniseries, North and South. I think I was drawn to it because I saw Genie Francis in a Youtube interview and she mentioned meeting her husband while she was working on that series. So I was intrigued.

But instead of getting away from the divisions in the country today, I kept drawing parallels between what was happening in the pre Civil War days and today. The character of Virgilia Hazard, portrayed by Kirstie Alley, was the embodiment of zealotry – all good intentions taken to poor decisions and violent actions.

Her tactless behavior nearly cost George’s friendship with Orry, when she helped Grady (Georg Sandford Brown), the slave of the Mains’ neighbor, James Huntoon (Jim Metzler), escape from slavery during the Hazards’ visit to South Carolina. That same tactless behavior led her to take part in John Brown’s 1859 raid on Harper’s Ferry and expose herself needlessly to the local militia. And because of this, Grady – who had become her husband – rushed forward to save her ended up dead, instead. Virgilia’s worst act – at least to me – was her decision to toss away her convictions and self-esteem to become Congressman Sam Greene’s (David Odgen Stiers) mistress, following her confrontation with a hospital administrator (Olivia DeHavilland) over a Confederate officer’s accidental death. In order to avoid being arrested for murder. She had no problem with confronting her family and neighbors’ scorn over her devotion to abolition. She had no problem with confronting the Mains in her complicity to help Grady escape. But when she faced a murder investigation, she threw her self-esteem to wind and lowered herself to the level of a prostitue in order to stay out of prison.

Fanpop – DR76


Virgilia Hazard also has no problem breaking away from her family because they do not share her abolitionist views. She doesn’t try to persuade or educate them. She constantly hammers them over the head and chastises them – and her family belongs to the Union! Her relationships with her brothers and mother are not as important to her as her cause is.

I have experienced this same thing in my own extended family. Young people that I played with, babysat for, kissed and hugged as children, are entirely willing to ghost me or worse. Loyalty to family is not a priority.

This was even more evident this week in the case of Helena Duke. Helena’s mother was at the Capital Rally last week. She was recorded the day before the Capital storming getting punched in the face by a police officer. It’s impossible to hear what words were being said or how the altercation started. We do see the mother, Theresa Duke, bleeding profusely on her face as a result of the punch.

What stunned me was that Helena was perfectly willing to out her mother, aunt and uncle on social media for being at the rally but never publicly asked how her mother was doing, or ask how severe her injury was.

If my middle-aged mother suffered a head injury, which a punch to the face is, I think I’d at least ask her if she was okay.

But that’s not what matters any more. The family is fracturing.


I think in many ways we are seeing the beginnings of another Civil War. But I don’t think this one will be primarily carried out through guns and warfare. This one is going to be economic. With the shut down of Parler and the censorship from Facebook and Twitter, I think conservatives are going to start their own social media sites. This is also going to carry over into entertainment, businesses, schools, and even banking. It’s possible that in the future, the divisions between us could be as obvious as it was for African Americans and Whites back in the 1950s.


Many of the people I followed or that followed me have already left Facebook and Twitter. I’m not quite ready to do that yet. But I am following and supporting some other news sources. I’ve subscribed to The Blaze for months now, since the beginning of the Pandemic. Soon I will start subscribing to Daily Wire.

Daily Wire knows that we have to change the culture in order to win over hearts and minds. SO last night they premiered a movie on their channel entitled Run, Hide, Fight. It’s about a 17-year-old senior, still coming to terms with the death of her mother, thrust into an active shooting situation at her school. It was gripping and believable. From the film maker:

Run Hide Fight is ultimately a movie about courage in the face of evil,” said Boreing. “This is a gut-wrenching film that does not offer easy talking points, which is why liberal Hollywood executives have refused to distribute it,” he claimed.

“We’re proud to work with The Daily Wire as the exclusive North American distributor for Run Hide Fight,” stated Sonnier who cut the deal with the site. “The Daily Wire’s policy of not publishing the names of mass shooters made it an ideal partner. If this film has a political viewpoint, it’s that we should not make terrorists famous; it’s the heroes whose names we should remember.”

He continued: “We spent years carefully developing this movie in consultation with law enforcement veterans and shooting victims to immerse people into a realistic portrayal of what it’s like to experience one of these tragedies.

I look forward to seeing what other types of movies they are able to make and I look forward to seeing them.

I also just canceled Netflix after ten years.


Some brief COVID thoughts. After a 7 week break, a majority of the homeschooling families I know had COVID over the break. No one was hospitalized and all have recovered.

My pastor is asking that everyone wear masks to mass because there are many who are high risk who want to come to mass, but don’t feel safe because not everyone is masking. I think they should continue to stay home, stream the mass, and have a Eucharistic minister bring communion to them. Masks are not 100 percent effective in spreading the virus.


If you’re looking for some fun notebooking paper for your homeschool, here are some freebies:

Martin Luther King Day

Membership Sale


One of my favorite sponsors is Bake Me a Wish – because during these tumultuous times, it makes me happy to share their lovely banners for their delicious treats.

Because I like to try things out when I affiliate with a company, I ordered one of their featured chocolate cakes last spring. It was right after the shut down happened. I had two birthdays to celebrate in late March, during Lent and we were all a little shell shocked and sad. I ordered my cake and it came well packaged and protected. It was delicious and really helped to lighten our mood a little during that stressful time.

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I also sent a cake to a dear friend of mine after an older friend of hers passed away. The dear lady had requested a party in her memory. The cake arrived and my friend was so happy with it that she texted me a pic.

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Bake Me A Wish!

Get 20% Off All Gifts with the code: FROSTING until February 2. You can pre-order for Valentine’s Day now!

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