7-Quick takes – Police, violence and a virus!

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  1. There are a number of talks on Youtube and other articles about end of life experiences. One experience that seems to be universal regardless of race or creed is for a dying person to see a loved one that has passed on in their presence. I remember when my mother was dying she mentioned that her deceased brother was in the room sitting in a chair just watching her. It didn’t scare her and she was very matter-of-fact about it. My Aunt Grace also saw her deceased brother and her beloved mother.

When I watched the video of the George Lloyd last week, I was deeply moved to hear him cry out for his own mother while he was being suffocated during a heart attack. When I later learned that she had passed away 18 months ago, I knew when he saw her, that was the moment that he was truly passing from this world into the next. I’m so sorry he had to endure that and I hope the vision of his mother helped to ease his passing.


We had protests here in Akron that were mostly peaceful. Most of the problems happend predictably after sunset. Some windows were broken, but overall, we did a lot better than Columbus or Cleveland.

This violence was also predictable. You have young people who were for the most part shut in for the best part of two months with no ability to socialize and earn a living … That was the kindling that just needed a spark. And unfortunately the murder of another unarmed black man in America provided it.


I am pretty over wearing a mask. But lest you think I don’t care about saving my fellow man from the invisible virus I don’t have, I wear one when I have to … I just make sure I don’t go many places where I have to.

It’s strange. There are many people who wear them religiously, without fail, everywhere, all the time, even in their own cars and outside in the park. Then there are other people who go everywhere, do everything, and don’t wear them at all.

I carry one with me. If I go someplace that requires them, I whip it out. If not, I’m coming in without while still maintaining social distancing. Wednesday I had to take Rosie for her sports physical. They not only required masks, but temperatures. Our doctor had not only his very high tech mask, but goggles! Which makes sense because the virus can enter through the eyes too (which is another reason i think the cloth facemasks are so silly).

Wednesday, I wore one off and on all morning. I wore one to Rosie’s doctor’s appointment, and then down to the Health Department to pick up her birth certificate. I also wore it last Friday to get my hair cut, but the stylist had me take it off several times to make sure she was cutting straight.

I’m cautious, and careful, but I’m deeply suspicious that this is as virulent a virus as we were told back in March.


My son’s restaurant reopened! He and his business partner/fiance are now operating the sandwich shop, the ice cream store and the bar! Mr. Pete helped them with the big remodel of the ice cream store before they reopened. This is their first week and business is slow, but steady.


And as of this weekend, Rosie is working there on the part time!

 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 


Notgrass history is one of my new affiliate partners. They are offering two free e-books for printing. These help students (and parents) reinforce and learn what the scriptures say about finding and living in Peace. Click the photo below to get yours.

Free Bible Studies from Notgrass History


A lot of people are considering homeschooling for the first time. I had a lady tell me today that her kids thrived during this time of doing school at home. If you’re unsure of what to do for homeschooling high school, this is a good FREE place to start.

10 Essentials to teach for Homeschool High School.


The last chapter of this e-book on homeschooling during a family crisis i think might be particularly beneficial to folks recovering from the shut down, illness, and recent violent events.

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