7-Quick Takes – Mother’s Day Edition

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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

1. Today is Mother's Day. I intend to celebrate by staying off of social media! Our parochial vicar happily announced the return of the weekday masses and someone called it "BS." Everyone is so angry and vapid. I need a day off. As I wrote earlier, I'm going to the cemetery to visit my Mother, and if it's not too cold, maybe Mr. Pete and I will walk around there a bit. I always find walking in the cemetery kind of peaceful.

2. Today is also the Feast of Father Damien, although of course that becomes secondary to the reading of the day. Still, I think there are some wonderful lessons to be learned from Father Damien that are very important to what we're going through now. Be sure to check it out. 

3.  Ohio is opening up this week!  All of the retail should be open by the end of the week. Restaurants can be open for outside dining on the 15th and inside dining by the 22nd. My son is planning to reopen his restaurant on June 2. 

What I don't understand is this, they have put plastic up everywhere to prevent spreading virus. But don't those make extra surfaces that need to be wiped down? And if a cashier or clerk is wearing a mass, isn't that supposed to be what saves us? I would think making less surface area to keep clean would be better than having more!
4.  So in the Diocese of Cleveland, they are planning to have a soft- open back to mass. That means, I think, that the dispensation to not attend will be in place for a while still. Somehow they are going to have to try to have masses and social distancing. I can only think that somehow they will have more masses, or there will be some sort of lottery system for going. 

I still feel that I never again want to hear that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, because it appears that public health concerns trump that. I'm not blaming anyone or pointing fingers, but logically, that's how my brain is processing it. It can't be the summit if something else can supercede it!
5. One thing I have loved about this being home stuff, is watching romantic comedies and girlie stuff with my daughters. Last week we watched Jane Eyre on Hulu and it was wonderful! Very close to the book and very romantic. 

Best Proposal scene ever!! All of us were swooning!

6. Any one use Apologia Science for Physical Science? They've updated the text. 
Apologia Middle School Physical Science

So here’s the thing. When Jay Wile left, they started changing all of the textbooks. They did General Science last year. It is COMPLETELY different than the first two editions. You can still use it, but you can’t get the student workbooks any more. The same thing is probably going to happen now that they have updated Physical Science. It will not be the same course as the first two editions.

If you are at the end of your homeschooling days, I guess you need to make a decision about where to stick with the book you own or upgrade. I lucked out and was able to use the 2nd edition with Rosie year before last. I will not buy a new book until I get to Miss C. if I am still homeschooling her at that time.

So if I had a large family and was schooling my older kids, I’d probably go ahead and get the newer book. That way when the youngest kids are that age, they’ll have a more modern textbook.

One more thing about Apologia’s Physical Science. It is advertised as an 8th grade textbook. For my only student that was college bound, I did put Physical Science on his transcript, but I had him do some supplemental things from a high school so that I could give high school credit. I just saw that recently Apologia came out with this:

On our website you will notice that this curriculum is listed as our 8th grade course.  We do, however, believe it is a strong enough course to be used for high school credit in 9th grade.  Ultimately it is the parents’ decision as to whether they use this curriculum for 8th or 9th grade, and we support that choice either way.

If used in 9th grade, we recommend that the student completes all of the curriculum including all 15 modules, all tests, all of the experiments, as well as the Science Research Paper.  In addition, we do not recommend this course for grades beyond 9th.

Apologia Web Site
Apologia Middle School Physical Science

So I’m having Rosie write her first research paper this summer on the science topic of her choice and then I’m slapping that on there as her first high school science credit.

7. If you have a high school student starting next year, you might want to check out Lee Binz’s web site at The Home Scholar. Lee was instrumental in helping me on my homeschool journey. From what I learned in her courses and tutoring I created simple transcripts that my kids have used in getting a job and applying to college. Lee is encouraging, warm and funny. Be sure to check her site out.

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