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  1. My nephew became a first-time dad this week. He was allowed in the hospital with his wife, and he had been warned ahead of time that once they entered the hospital, he couldn’t leave and come back because of their new Covid-19 policies. I wrote this post with my nephew’s wife in mind, but she was able to have the support and everything turned out well. The new grandparents are going to have to wait until they can love on their new grandchild, which is a little heartbreaking but necessary for now.

2. It seems that there are two types of citizens right now – those that are deathly afraid of the virus, and those citizens outraged by governmental intervention into their lives by closing the economy. I’m leaning more the second way. I am not deathly afraid of the virus, although I don’t want to get it, and I don’t want any of my friends or family to suffer with it. We wash our hands and are careful when we are out. I’ve been in the house pretty much since Sunday this week. When I go out I don my mask and I have hand sanitizer in the car.

But my governor keeps saying that things will not get back to normal until there is a vaccine. I’m not getting a vaccine. I don’t fully trust them anyway, and I won’t have any if made from aborted fetal cell lines. We’ll see.

3. I’ve seen this observation a couple of times on t.v. and the internet. It seems that the more liberal, pro-abortion folks tend to be more pro-stay home, self-isolate, don’t go out etc. They are also the ones that are more than happy to turn in their fellow citizens for breaking any infraction of the Covid-19 world. Conservatives tend to be more outraged at the loss of freedoms. I was wondering about tht big divide in philosophy and thought and wondered about it’s cause and if it can ever be bridged. Here’s a good video on the topic.

4. I don’t have cable, but we have Roku at our house. Izzy and I are binge watching the Mary Tyler Moore show on Hulu. I’m thoroughly enjoying it. I love the nostalgia and the fashion, and I enjoy letting Izzy on a lot of the cultural references that she wouldn’t necessarily be aware of.

This episode with Ted Baxter and his father really struck a chord with me. Ted’s feelings towards the father he never really knew reminded me so much of the feelings I had towards my own father – a need and desire to know him, and yet a fear and pulling away. The writers nailed this complex relationship.

5. I have gotten a lot of flute practicing done this week since I’m stuck at home and we’re having spring break in our home school. Here’s a little of what I started working on before the lockdown.

6. We don’t have cable t.v. any more. We have Roku and subscirbe to a number of channels on that. We had Disney Plus for a while, but no one really watched it much, so iI got rid of it and got the Blaze TV instead. That’s about all I can take right now for a news fix.

7. One of my favorite affiliate associations I have is with Bake me a Wish. icon

Two months ago, a friend of a friend passed away. They weren’t going to have a regular funeral but instead had cake and coffee in the community room as part of a memorial service. Since I was in another state and couldn’t attend, I ordered a Bake me a Wish icon cake and had it delivered. It arrived in good shape and they served it at the memorial.

Bake Me  A Wish

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1 Comment

  1. “It seems that the more liberal, pro-abortion folks tend to be more pro-stay home, self-isolate, don’t go out etc. They are also the ones that are more than happy to turn in their fellow citizens for breaking any infraction of the Covid-19 world. Conservatives tend to be more outraged at the loss of freedoms”. I disagree with that statement. I don’t think this is a political move. The CDC is recommending stay at home order. I mean I would rather trust medical professionals(CDC) over a president who rather play golf then to take COVID-19 seriously when the CDC warned him how bad covid 19 was and tries to undermine the CDC. I love the congress but I do not trust them to give me medical advice.

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