7-Quick Takes – Coronavirus chronicles

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  1. It’s funny how much can change in a week. As of Monday, all public and private schools have closed. There are no theaters, restaurants or bars open. Even the churches have been closed to congregations. It’s something I have never seen in my lifetime. Still, in my county, we only have 7 confirmed cases, although I’m sure there are others that we can’t verify because we don’t have any testing centers or kits here. And for everyone that is clamoring for one of those, this is what testing for the coronavirus looks like.

Yeah … thanks but no thanks. Right now the only places I have personally been since Sunday are the library twice (before it closed), the bank, and the grocery store. I also took Rosie to run at the track twice, but I stayed in the van. I am washing my hands, maintaining social distancing and staying at home as much as I can.

And yet, if I’m going to get infected it won’t be because I didn’t try to stay away. Izzy is still working, so she is gone into the public several days a week. Mr. Pete is still going to work, and my Goddaughter still comes over because both of her parents work and I’m their daycare and school for her. The girls are also taking art classes, once a week although there are usually about 5 people there and I don’t want to deprive the teacher of income. I am cleaning and sanitizing all day long.

2. The one I’m worried about is this guy,

Photo courtesy Calvin LaVictoire

Calvin is hanging in there as a first responder. He said he doesn’t think he’s seen a case yet, but you never know. The county bought new Hazmat suits and he was going to send me a snap of him donning his new outfit. If he does, I’ll post it. In the meantime, he’s mainly dealing with heart attacks, car accidents and drug overdoses – the usual stuff.

3. I’m also concerned about my son Sam and his little restaurant that is just barely a year old. The State of Ohio has closed all restaurants and bars. However, they do allow for pickups and delivery so Sam still goes into work every day and so far, he’s been meeting his goals. One day this week he got a huge $600 plus order. Support like that is going to help keep his small business afloat!

My other son Gabe works with him, so I am praying for their continued success!!

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing

4. Interestingly, arts and craft stores haven’t closed, so Izzy is still working. But she has enough free time from reduced hours to work on her college placement tests so that she can take art classes at the community college this fall. That will make a nice new adventure for her. She also is working on her jewelry and art lines.

5. My son, Noah, was supposed to graduate at the end of April. His university is putting all of their lectures online one way or the other. He even had a virtual piano lesson! I love having him at home all the time as he listens to lectures and writes term papers and I’m confident that he will finish strong. I’m also pretty sure that he won’t get to have a commencement ceremony. If that happens, I’ll try to work something else out for him down the line once this virus thing peaks.

6. Noah is also done with track season since all athletics have been canceled. He walks around telling us that he is “retired.”

Rosie, on the other hand, is holding on to hope that the high school season might be rescued somehow. Her coach put some workouts online and she has been diligent on keeping up with them every day. It’s been a little hard to find a track for her practice on, but we go to one about 20 minutes from here and I sit and read while she works out.

7. I am super proud of the homeschool community during this trying time. Homeschooling moms have come together and come beside other moms and dads who are trying to either homeschool for the first time, or oversee the education that their kids are getting while the schools are closed.

Here’s a conference that I’m super proud to be affiliated with. It’s the How to Homeschool Conference online now and FREE until March 24. After that, you can keep it forever for only $12. Check out my latest newsletter for all the information.

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