7-Quick Takes – Facing the Pandemic Edition

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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

1. My state governor shut everything down except for “essential businesses” this week. My daughter’s job was immediately gone. I guess they don’t consider crafting a necessity, although I think a case could be made that crafting is an educational necessity. Not to be dismayed, Izzy had already started to repaint and redocrate her room and work on her jewelry inventory so that she can start selling again when this is all over.

2. Nomz is staying open!

They’ve reduced their hours and their staff, but they have face masks and gloves and they’ll run the food right out to your car or deliver it within a 5-mile radius. It’s a tough way to run a business but they’re making it work!

3. Mr. Pete’s business probably isn’t considered essential either, but since he mainly works alone in his workshop and he doesn’t have any interruptions right now he’s not a risk. He drives to work and organizes his space and is making plans for what to do when the schools are open again. At home, he is finishing up the kitchen remodel he started in November and I’m loving it!

What’s annoying me is that the state is starting to encourage citizens to turn in their neighbors who are not social distancing and businesses that don’t seem to be in compliance. Immediately I started to remember George Orwell’s 1984. It’s bad enough we have to be sequestered away. They keep telling us to reach out to one another while staying away, and now they’re encouraging us to turn in fellow citizens? It’s a very mixed message.

4. One of the joys of being in a government-ordered lockdown is watching and re-watching favorite t.v. shows on Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu. I have been enjoying a show from my high school years with my 20-something daughter, Izzy. We’re watching the Mary Tyler Moore show on Hulu. It feels like reconnecting with an old friend. I’m enjoying all of the 70’s fashion and a lot of the situations that were timely for the show, and I love getting to watch it new through Izzy’s eyes. This is definitely going to be a highlight for me!

5. A year or so ago, after I was diagnosed with two torn menisci and bone-on-bone arthritis in my knee, I bought an elliptical machine on Amazon. This is the one I bought and am still using today. It is easy to use, doesn’t require any batteries or an extension cord, but it does let me keep track of the time, pace, and mileage of my workout. I was doing about 40 miles a week in four days. Since the Covid-19 shut down, I’ve been getting 50 miles, five days a week. Coupling that with walking the dog a mile a day, and I just might come out of this thing in better shape than when I went in!

6. I blogged about this on Thursday, but if you want a little PDF to help you journal and write about this interesting time we’re going through, go get my PDF entitled, Living through history. It’s just $4, download it once and print it out for your family, kids, friends, anyone who is interested in recording and keeping written memories. This is an extraordinary time. Let’s document it!

7. The 2020 Homeschool Mom Conference is coming up in a few short weeks. Take advantage of the Early Bird Registration starting April 1 through April 5. The conference starts April 6 through April 10, 2020.

Read all of the course descriptions here and mark your calendars! This is going to be a very informative conference.

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  1. […] been a long wait – here’s their prom pic from 2013. Since then, they’ve opened a business together that is going strong, and they will say their wedding vows this […]

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