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The Lord's Prayer
Photo Credit: Lunar Caustic via Flickr, licensed cc.

My mother set many such examples for me in her own life. I very fondly remember one in particular. My mother worked as a public school teacher for 30 years. When she retired, she started watching the TV soap operas that she had never been able to enjoy when she was working. She would call me up to discuss the latest happenings on General Hospital or One Life to Live and I really loved discussing the plot points and events with her. It became one of our things to do together, and I really looked forward to it.

Eventually, we had to move Mom into a nursing home with hospice care. Once she was settled in, I noted that her room had the capability of television cable hook up, but no TV!  At my request, my sweet husband went out to the storage area where we kept Mom’s things and got her television. Then he dutifully hooked it up to the TV cable and gave mom the remote so that she could watch her television programs.

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