Some help with scripture and prayer resolutions in 2020!

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So how is your New Year going so far?

I have found that even with the best of intentions, once the regular routine kicked in, it has been hard to get meet all of the goals that I set for myself this year. My kids got me a Fitbit for Christmas. Since I can look at my wrist any time I want to check my progress with exercise and steps walked, it’s easier to stay on top of my fitness progress.

I wish I could track my spiritual life as easily. They don’t make an ap or a progress chart for that! As most moms know, to find prayer and study time when you’re taking care of kids, running a household, and job is challenging. So even though I love my prayer books and bibles, I’m going to be a little more ap-centered in 2020.

The Plan:

Before anything else, upon arising, check-in with the Divine office. ap for morning prayer.

Then do a quick bible read with Father Larry’s Calendar and the Laudate ap on my phone!


Morning prayers and a little scripture done, first thing in the morning!

From there it’s easier to drag myself to the basement for a half-hour of cardio and some arms, abs and stretching before showering and getting dressed. If I time it all right, this should all be done by 8:30

Then it’s prayer and bible study with Rosie before she starts her school day. We’ll use a regular bible for this though so that Rosie can get used to using a regular published bible.

Later in the day, I can:

On the days I’m feeling more old school I opt for my favorite Rosary books, as well as my mother’s marked and loved New American Bible.

My goal this year is to work on gratitude, peace and service. Maybe with these tools I can feel like I’m making more progress in these areas.

What spiritual goals have you made for 2020?

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