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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

1. We had a number of projects going on over the Christmas holidays. It all started with Thanksgiving. My sister and her husband had a change in their plans and so I invited them over to our house for Thanksgiving Dinner. I looked at my dining room and thought, “Gee, these walls look kind of dingy and I’m kind of tired of this dark color. Let’s paint!”

My work crew.
So here’s what the dining room looked like for Thanksgiving dinner 2016.

And here’s what it looked like for Thanksgiving 2019.

Truth be told, the color of the paint was called, “Gathering!” I just loved that. That may be why I chose it.

But Mr. Pete wasn’t satisfied with just the dining room. He wanted to do the kitchen as well. That was a bigger job. We painted it gray 30 + years ago when we moved into the place, to match the plastic tiles that the previous owner had put in probably 20 or 30 years before that! It really needed a facelift, particularly the cabinetry.

We aren’t done yet, but this is what the cabinets look like thanks to Mr. Pete!

Couldn't afford new cupboards, but fixit_man_pete re-did this one and I love it!


My biggest news yet though is …

Sam and Kassi are engaged!!

He finally told us of Christmas time and they are moving full steam ahead with wedding prep, finding a venue, and attending pre-cana. They have been together for over 10 years since they were teenagers. They have been best friends, band mates, and business partners. I think they will have a very happy and successful marriage!

Sam and Kassi's Prom 2013 008


Noah is starting his LAST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE! I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. This will be a memorable one. He auditioned for the school musical and got a part in the chorus. But someone dropped out and he now has a small speaking part and a bigger singing part in Damn Yankees! With play practice, chamber singers, choir, piano lessons and track season on top of his final credits for his double major, he is a busy boy.

He’ll be playing one of these guys.


Speaking of drama, Rosie had to make a sort of Sophie’s choice. The co-op drama department pushed their production back to the end of May, which just happens to be the weekend for track District tournaments. There’s no way she could do both of them so she had to choose. And to make it even more heartbreaking, the co-op is doing a production of The Sound of Music!

I know tears were shed and I know it was difficult for her to make the decision. I was willing to do either, but not both. I could only imagine that the stress of driving from wherever the track meet was to the venue for the musical 45 minutes from home would be too much stress for me!! I can only imagine what it would be like for her!

In the end, she chose track because she has been training all winter. But she extracted a promise from me that I would find another way for her to be in some sort of drama production. I told her that I would. If she did that in the summertime, that would be great!

april 2017 062 2


Last week, the very first week after the holiday season, there was a lot of moaning, groaning and complaining at our house. The outlook of 12 more weeks of co-op seemed overwhelming and daunting, almost to the point of being unbearable.

But Mr. Pete and Rosie gave me a lot of TLC and I eventually was able to reconcile myself to taking down the Christmas tree and preparing for my Logic and General Science courses.

6. Miss C’s reading ability has skyrocketed over the past few months. She can read almost everything at her level and I think might be about ready to jump to level 2. She also loves to be read to. When she was a baby, she used to get these books from Dolly Parton Imagination Library. She aged out of that on her 5th birthday. I think a subscription to these books from Cratejoy might be her next big adventure.

I like the idea that the can curate the box to her age and interests. I also love the idea that she can own these books instead of returning them to the library, and I really like the idea of being surprised every month. Not having to make it to the library in time to return appeals to me as well!

If it interests you too, I have a coupon to try out. See what you think.

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