What Christianity Today Got Wrong on President Trump

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I have been trying very, very hard to stay away from talking about politics and focusing on the positive especially on my personal Facebook page and on this blog. When I want to get political, I go to Twitter and I limit myself to that. But this piece in Christianity Today deserves a response. Read the entire article but this, in a nutshell, is why the author thinks the president should be removed:

The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see. This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of our people. None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.

Christianity Today

This is Old Testament kind of stuff – where we take the sinner out and stone him for his sins. But what about things Jesus said, about forgiveness and repentance? Do Christians no longer believe in shedding the old life and moving forward in a new life in Christ, because it sure seems to me that President Trump has at least been attempting to do just that.

Is Donald J. Trump a perfect person? Absolutely not. His compulsion to come back swinging and swinging hard against his enemies is often ill-advised and vulgar. Granted.

But it is also true that he seems to be a man struggling to live an upright life and overcome the failings of his past. The compassionate left won’t let him, and we accept that. But it’s a little hard to take when a mag like Christianity Today not only expresses contempt for the man but (while acknowledging that the President really never got a chance to defend himself), then shrugs it all off to declare that he’s a sinner, and any Christian that votes for him is giving God the proverbial finger and sinning too.

So to be clear:

A “grossly immoral character” doesn’t take a huge pay cut to work as a civil servant for four years with no pay.

A grossly immoral character doesn’t seek out the company of other upright Christian men.

A grossly immoral character doesn’t champion the lives of the unborn.

A grossly immoral character doesn’t appoint judges to uphold the constitution of the United States.

A grossly immoral character doesn’t honor wedding vows for over 10 years and have the love of his adult children.

To me, it seems as though President Trump is trying to do what all Christians are trying to do, work out his salvation in fear and trembling with many missteps along the way. We all do that – his are just public.

President Trump won’t be removed from office for these articles of impeachment. The first one has no proof, the second one was up-ended by the Supreme Court last week. He could lose the election I suppose if a gleaming candidate above reproach should enter into the fray and check all the boxes that conservative voters are looking for while still being a Democrat – chances of that happening are nil.

In the meantime, maybe Christianity Today and other holier than thou types could quit shooting Christian voters in the foot and start accepting the guy we already have and helping him to become the best president that he can be – for all of us,

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