The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

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This year the Feast of the Immaculate Conception falls on Sunday. Whenever a feast falls on a Sunday the theme of the Sunday takes precedence. So this week we celebrate the Immaculate Conception on Monday and it is NOT a holy day of obligation.

BUT you can and should still celebrate this lovely advent feast day for our Blessed Mother!

Why Celebrate?

Mary is the patron saint of the United States. We ask our Blessed Mother to intercede for our protection against all threats of violence and division that threaten our nation.

Mary is the supreme example of holiness, which we all strive for as Christians. Holiness is simple. It is lovely. It is humble. It is helpful. It is obedient, kind, and caring. It says yes to wherever God calls. It does not rely on its own understanding. That is all Mary, and that’s why we celebrate.

What is the Immaculate Conception?

Sometimes people think this refers to the conception of Jesus in Mary’s womb. It actually refers to Mary’s conception and her soul being free from original and actual sin all the days of her life.

Throughout scripture, God calls for his people to become and remain holy!! It makes sense to me that He would choose His own mother to be his perfect creation as an example to us of what that looks like. Jesus is still Mary’s savior. She says so herself in the scriptures. Her salvation was just handled differently.

And although Mary’s Immaculate Conception was announced ex-cathedra in 1854, serious students of Catholicism will understand that the church only proclaimed what was held and taught for many centuries before.

How to Celebrate the Immaculate Conception at home in the family.

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  • Go to mass! This may be a little difficult on a weekday, but if at all possible try to attend mass today.
  • Pray the rosary.
  • Put an image or a statue of Mary in a prominent place in your home to reflect on all day. Buy some flowers to put near the image or statue.
  • Read and reflect on Mary, The Mother of God.
  • Make a Marian Candle. Inspired by this thread, we made our own candle one year and still use it.
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  • Have a White Dinner. On this feast day in the past, we’ve had a “white dinner” in honor of Mary. White, of course, emphasizes Mary’s pure soul and freedom from sin. Chicken with Rosemary and Thyme. We usually have something with a white sauce on chicken with mashed potatoes and of course a white cake with white frosting! This emphasizes the point we are trying to get across about Mary to our children, but it also makes for a memorable dinner and something they can look forward to.

Sign up for my free newsletter to get a menu for the feast day with links to gluten-free options for celebrating a white dinner!

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