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Tis the music season. I have rehearsals and concerts up until Christmas Eve. Interestingly, I am not playing for midnight mass this year, but will be playing at the 7 p.m. Christmas Eve mass instead, which has more of a small ensemble vibe to it. That’s fine with me.

My granddaughter will be making her musical debut with the Children’s Choir at the Children’s Mass at 4:00 on Christmas Eve. At the same time in the church down the road, Rosie will be the cantor. I’m not sure exactly which mass we’re going to go to but I’m thinking that maybe we’ll hear the Children’s choir prelude, and then run over to the other mass to hear Rosie cantor the Psalm response.

Rosie made her cantor debut last Sunday. I think she did a pretty good job.


I am not feeling a lot of stress about Christmas Shopping. I have almost everything done. In fact, I only have two a few more things to buy and then I’ll be done. As I posted before, getting it mostly done before Advent really frees me up to focus on the spirituality of Advent and not get bogged down in the commercialism of Christmas.


The one area of our homeschool that we’ve been struggling through is literature. We just made it through the Canterbury Tales and the Fairie Queen. Rosie started Sir Gawain and the Green Knight this week. I think by Christmas she should be pretty well caught up.

What worries me then is NEXT semester. Rosie wants to be in musical and run track. That with keeping up with her school work is going to be a lot of stress. I’m not sure that we’re both up to it. Tough choices may have to be made.


Noah, on the other hand, is starting his last semester of college. He will be graduating with two majors in June. he was also going to minor but decided that with running track and singing in the choir as well as taking piano lessons, he didn’t really want to have the extra course work. So what is he going to do to fill in his extra time? Audition for a play of course!

And I’m okay with that. This is his last semester, he has great grades and has been on the dean’s list every semester. Let’s make the last semester memorable!


Thanksgiving went well. The kids ran in the Race for the Homeless. Then we had it at my house and my sister came with her husband. I had all of my kids there too except for Calvin and Sarah. We had good food, great conversation and then we played Super Fight and Reverse Charades. We topped all of that off by watching some shows on the Disney Plus Channel, particularly our friend’s redo of the Sound of Music on Encore.

All in all, it was a great and memorable day with no drama, lots of love and respect for each other.

One of the things I have learned from my children is that they are loyal. You always kind of hope that your kids will be loyal and loving to each other and to the family in general. My kids have shown me that love and loyalty in the last couple of weeks in ways that have just taken my breath away. We had a recent sad imbroglio with an extended family member, and every one of my kids reached out to me with support in ways that I didn’t anticipate. I was thankful for all of them on Thanksgiving Day.


My recent guilty pleasure has been binge-watching The Crown on Netflix. One episode, in particular, took my breath away.

7. One of my fine affiliates, The Christian Catholic Shop, is having a wonderful sale on rosaries, especially their rosary of the month club. This might be just the gift for that certain somebody – a rosary delivered every month to their door!

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