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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

  1. The best explanation I’ve seen on the impeachment stuff.

2. With the holidays coming up, I see that a lot of people are talking about how to get along with difficult family members around the Thanksgiving table. I have found this channel to be very enlightening and informative.

They also have an e-mail list and a few books.

The Anger Trap

Let’s Talk about Me and

Choosing to Forgive

3. Heather Bowen over at Life of a Homeschool Mom has put her youngest child into public school, and the internet has a lot to say about it.

It’s been my experience over the past two decades that when one blogger announces something a little controversial about their personal lives, they can expect to get a lot of support, but there will be differing opinions as well. Tempers flare, battle lines are drawn, drama quickly ensues.

I’m friends with moms who have their kids in public school, private school, homeschool, and combinations of all three. I don’t think any choice (public, private, online, homeschool, un-school, Charlotte Mason etc. ) is free of stress or problems. If you move your kids between options, you are really just exchanging one set of problems and stresses for another set of problems and stresses. There are benefits to all of them as well. The real question is what can you live with?

I did write a post a few years ago about things to consider when moving your child out of your homeschool. They are simply for consideration. That’s All.

I do think though that homeschooling has been successful and is so old now that instead of being a radical option and a stand for personal liberty, it’s now a fluid educational choice, which is kind of interesting for someone like me that has seen the whole spectrum over the past 23 years!

5. I totally spaced on my Blogiversary again! November 4 marked my 16th year as a blogger. My first post is here. This is also my 24th year of homeschooling, As a blogger, I think the biggest change for me has been moving off of Blogger and onto my own hosted WordPress site and integrating Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook as appendages of the blog.

As a homeschooler, I’ve gone from having six kids at home and trying to educate a big group with the help of my mother, to now only homeschooling one of my own kids plus starting over again with my granddaughter.

The best part of both of those is all the great people I have met and the things I’ve learned along the way. Neither one has been easy – both have been really worth it!

6. One of my favorite affiliates is having their annual holiday sale. Order now for Thanksgiving. These pies are delicious and I’m always happy to serve one, but I think the realy beauty of this company is the ability to send a sweet desert to friends or family miles away! I’ve also been reading that college students like getting these – just for any time! What’s better for the end of the semester than the gift of unexpected bake goods! Bake Me  A Wish Get 15% off with code SHARING!

7. Don’t forget the Course Description Harvest party next week! It’s free and chock full of the information you need to write course descriptions for your homeschool.

For more information, see here!

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