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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

  1. In the birthing world, October is also accreta month. Accreta is a condition in pregnancy where the placenta implants pathologically into the uterine wall and sometimes outside of the uterus. One of the biggest risk factors for developing this condition is a previous cesarean section – something they don’t seem to tell young women when they casually schedule a Cesarean or don’t want to wait for birth to happen naturally.

A mom in one of the Facebook groups I belong to wrote a fascinating birth story.

An OB recommended that his pregnant patient stay at the hospital and begin labor induction. She was bullied by the doctor and the nursing staff to sign an AMA form with all of the risk factors of continuing her pregnancy post dates. They wanted to induce or go right to surgery. The mom bravely stood her ground, went home, and eventually delivered a healthy baby at home with a midwife.

It saddens me that this type of medical manipulation is still happening 30 years after my first traumatic birth experience – and it worries me for my daughters and daughters-in-law.

This story was shared by Linda Crownover-Inch at www.childbearingyearresources.com

2. October is also the month of the Holy Rosary. Here’s my post with rosary resources here. I’ve had plenty of time to pray the rosary this week waiting for Rosie at Cross Country Practice. I’ve discovered, to my surprise, that praying in my car is kind of nice! I can spread out my books and my beads, recline the chair, and even point myself in a nice direction facing the trees or some other scenic spot. Maybe this will become my new thing after the season is completely over!

Catholic Rosary Of The Month Club - First Month Rosary FREE
Rosary of the Month Club

3. So freshman running was a mixed bag for Rosie this year. She started off as a Freshman as the 3rd fastest girl on the Varsity team, which is just amazing. Her very first high school meet she made a personal record and earned her varsity letter. But she injured her hip and her times increased. She managed to stay in the varsity but just barely. She diligently stretched, iced, and strengthened. She now has two areas to work on – her hip and her ankles.

Her confidence took a hit though and we’ve been working through that with reading and counseling and some new techniques we’ve learned. But overall, I’m very proud of her and all of her hard work. Running for girls is just more difficult than it is for guys – and she persevered.

Tomorrow she is going to the Regional meet to cheer for her teammates who advanced to that level. I think it will be an eye-opening experience for her. She’ll see runners who have advanced to that level, and she’ll have to make the decision whether that truly is her goal or not. We’ll see.

District cross country meet 2019

But whether she decides to be that competitive or not, one thing for sure is that she has enjoyed the fellowship and support of her high school teammates. Being part of that has made the first part of her freshman year very special. She made good friends and great memories!

4. This week it was confirmed to me that a relative of mine has really and truly cut off ties with me because of the 2016 presidential election. I don’t know exactly what ticked the person off and I probably won’t know for many months or possibly years because they won’t tell me. In fact, it was never ever mentioned. I don’t remember even having an open discussion about it. I didn’t even know exactly that something was wrong except for some little things that kept happening since 2016 – like not showing up to family events I hosted, or not inviting me and my family to family events they hosted, going out of their way to avoid me at mass when they were in town when I made a special effort to be there, not sending a thank you note or any kind of acknowledgment after a photographic present I gave, excluding me from a family web site, and pretty much avoiding me AND my husband and children at two recent social events we had to attend.

Unfortunately, I have experience with this type of shunning. It was my grandmother’s torture device of choice when I was growing up and I’ve seen it a couple of times since then. It stings. But it’s not as painful as it was when I was a kid. Maybe my skin is thicker now.

What I’ve learned in the past about shunning is this – it’s an endurance event. You never know how long, or how severe this type of thing will last. It will either disappear slowly but surely over time OR someone is going to want to have it out – in which case it will resolve itself one way or another. At least that’s been my experience.

What I have learned with these things is that if I want a relationship with this person ever again, I have to be the one to stay open, stay prayerful, and be willing to forgive and forget because if both parties dig in, it will never end. And so I go about my life in a sort of exile where luckily I have stored up psychological and spiritual supplies to get me through for a lifetime if need be.

5. I found a great resource for teaching about syllogisms to my logic class this year. Check THIS out!

6. I did my famous Geology is a Piece of Cake class in science this year. The kids loved it! My post on that is here.

7. Tis the season to fill out the FAFSA forms for college financial aid. The Home Schoolar has a FREE FAFSA White paper /. If you’re new to filling this out, this paper supplies the information and the handholding that you need to fill the form out the first time – and it is VERY important to fill this form out. Even Dave Ramsey says it’s one of the first things you need to do when planning your college costs. I hope you find this helpful.

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