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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

  1. Did you know there was a 7-hour CNN televised town-hall meeting about “Climate change” this week? Don’t feel badly if you didn’t. The ratings for this presentation were dismal.

But if you want to here some brilliant commentary on it, check out the Michael Knowles podcast here. In regards to Bernie Sanders’s’ portion of the program, Knowles’s analogy is mind-blowing.

  • Climate change is the new religion of the left.
  • Abortions are the answer to climate change.
  • We must sacrifice and offer up our children to satisfy the weather gods.

Remind you of anything?

Mother Theresa peg saint

2. Today is the feast of Saint Mother Theresa. She is best known and most beloved for her compassion and care for the poorest of the poor in Calcutta.

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. Mother Theresa

3. I started teaching General Science and Logic at our homechool co-op. Rosie and Miss C. started their classes there as well.

One of the biggest surprises for me this fall was that Apologia updated there General Science and their Chemistry – two topics that we offer at the co-op. It’s not like the change from the 1st to 2nd edition either. These are almost completely different courses, so of course, the corresponding notebooks are also changed.

I didn’t realize that when I prepared for my General Science class. I have the first two editions, but the third edition is completely different after the first few chapters. It’s written by a different author as well. Even the experiments are different.

The same holds true for chemistry. I doubt I’ll be able to get the notebook for that next year. For all of us seasoned science teachers, is it worth it to buy the next edition when our own kids are past it? or is it time to pass the torch to the next group of homeschool moms?

Meanwhile, Dr. Jay Wile, the author of my first two editions, has written an entire set of science books that mesh with history and I’m totally in love with that idea! That’s where I might be going with Miss C for her first science book.

4. It turns out, the gluteus medius muscle is a weak spot for most female runners! We learned that the hard way when Rosie was having trouble opening her stride and having her leg support her up hills. The sports medicine doc had her lie on her side and extend her leg behind her while he pressed gently down. Her leg folded like a house of cards!

She did compete last week but was a minute slower. Hopefully, after icing it, following an ibuprofen regimen and diligently working on strengthening that muscle on both sides, she will be a little better this week.

Mentor Cross country 2019 018

5. Mr. Pete and I were prepared to hunker down and take care of Izzy after her dental surgery this week. We had stockpiled ibuprofen, Tylenol and plenty of soft foods. Mr. Pete even took most of the day off to be with her. But Izzy has proven herself to be a medical/dental champ! She’s taking it easy but her pain has been so minimal that I had to remind her to take her meds and her prednisone for swelling. I think her oral surgeons are just amazingly skilled and that certainly has helped with post surgical trauma.

Yet I remember that Izzy was kind of like this after her big foot surgery a few years ago. She is a quick healer and a very stoic patient!

6. Bake a Wish is extending it’s Back to School Special. I think this is one of the best ways to send something special to friends and family separated by distance! It’s certainly unique! Get 15% off all gifts with code BACK2SCHOOL!

Bake Me  A Wish


Gear Up for Homeschooling High School @TheHomeScholar - Helping Parents #Homeschool High School

Sometimes homeschooling feels that complicated. I hear from young moms from time to time who want to homeschool, but are afraid that they can’t do it. Then I see veteran moms who have at least eight years under their belts, put their kids into high school because they think that high school is complicated.

It’s not!

My mentor, Lee Binz, is having a 1 week, online seminar called Gear up to Homeschool High School, next week, In one week, she’ll cover everything you need to know to homeschool high school successfully. She is the resource I turned to when I started high school for my own kids.

Join me for Gear Up to Homeschool High School September 9-13

Here is a summary of our event, but you must click on each blue link to join me!

Monday (Sept. 9) Evidence-based strategies
Free e-Book – How to be a Better Home educator.
Tuesday (Sept. 10) Bite-size wisdom
12 Keys to High School Success.
Free Workshop: “12 Keys to High School Success”
Wednesday (Sept. 11)
Actionable take-aways How to Homeschool Independently
Thursday (Sept. 12) Motivation & answers
12 Keys to High School Success
Free Workshop: “12 Keys to High School Success”
Friday (Sept. 13) Supporting research
Why Homeschooling Works
Saturday to Tuesday (Sept 14 – 17) Affordable resources

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