7-Quick Takes- Back to School Edition

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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

  1. Every morning since the beginning of June, Rosie and I have been going to some distant or near metro park for her Cross Country practice by 7:50 a.m.. Now that school is starting, practice is moving to 3 p.m. and that means my entire schedule is getting a little kerfunckled! What’s even more kerfunckling is some nights Noah eats at school, or Izzy works until 9. When exactly should we eat dinner? I’m leaning towards making a larger mid-day meal and letting people reheat it when they want to.
Green vs. Gold Firestone 2019 008 Rosie

2. Noah did go back to college this week. Long-time readers will remember that he is a commuter student so he drives to school before class and comes home after cross country practice or choir. This should be good news for my water bill because he can shower at school too!

What I LOVE about his schedule this semester is that he will be able to take piano lessons for the first time in four years and get credit for it. I also love that he has found a way to squeeze in a minor for medical ethics along with his two majors. I think it’s going to be an amazing senior year for him.

Did I mention he has been on the Dean’s list for six semesters? Humblebrag!

3. Izzy has to have some dental work done next week and for the first time, one of my kids is going under anesthesia and I won’t be there! I’ve had three kids have surgery under general anesthetic, and I was with them all, three times, by myself.

But as the schedule worked out, her procedure is the same day as the first day of co-op. Mr. Pete will be there though (it’s definitely his turn!) and I’m sure he will be fine. The worst part for him will be sitting for an hour and a half with nothing to do while he waits for her to be done.

Luckily, her post-surgical diet will work well with my cross country runners – ice cream, mashed potatoes, spaghetti – a lot of soft carbs! Which makes my dinner dilemma a little bit easier.

4. My son Gabe is now employed by my son Sam, and they are busy! Not only are they opening another location, but they have quite a few catering gigs coming up too! And no wonder – check this out!

5. Because I have to board my dog in October, I have to get her shots updated. I think she needs two shots. The last time we were at the vet, my sweet little Sophie turned into Cujo and bit the vet! He won’t see here until she is sedated, so I had to stop and pick up my prescription for Trazadone – 5 tablets 12 hours apart until just before her appointment!

For a dog who is not allowed on the furniture, she looks pretty comfortable.

6. I’m teaching General Science again at my homeschool co-op. I was shocked to discover that Apologia put out a brand new edition of the book and it’s completely different than the first two editions. What that means is that if you own the first two editions of the book, they are practically worthless if you want to use the student notebooks. The student notebooks are completely sold out and whenever one turns up on ebay or Facebook, it is quickly snagged.

Can you get by without the notebooks? I suppose. I did for years. But they really help the student to see what needs to be covered and I think it helps them retain the information better. PLUS, I think it’s a good way to be able to document what you did for science for the year which is something that could come up later.

I talked to Apologia about this, and they graciously let me buy several licenses so that I could get the notebook copied for my class. All I had to do was find an unused notebook (I found one partially used with writing on only 4 pages), collect the money from all of my classes, run down to Office Max and use my amazing discount card through the Home School Legal Defense Association, and then pick up all ten of my new notebooks. Then I just have to bring all ten of these to co-op next week along with all of my other stuff!

Just an FYI, the copies were going to be $157 each in black and white. The discount got them down to $16 each. With the $12 license fee that made them $28 apiece. That’s a really great discount by joining HSLDA!

Apologia Advanced Biology

7. Sunflower season. This beauty came from a little seed that Rosie got at Sunday school in the spring. The idea was to see how your faith can grow from a small beginning! We are just stunned at how it turned out!

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