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Outside My Window

My lovely side garden

I am thinking …

about Mr. Pete getting mad at me over the weekend. We went out to see the new Spiderman movie with the kids. When we were coming home, a group of young boys, probably between 11 and 14 years old, in front of our van and one of them nearly fell in front of us. Why? Because his pants were dropping down below his bottom and he couldn’t open his legs properly. So he stumbled and almost fell.

As I have mentioned before, now that I’m 60, I feel a new freedom in expressing my opinion. So as we were driving by, I said to the young man, “Pull your pants up.” I thought it was good advice. Even President Obama said so a few years ago.

Mr. Pete, however, said that it made us a target, and since all of our vehicles are kind of unique, especially the van, he was afraid of retaliation and vandalism. So he stayed up until midnight in the front room, guarding the cars and the outside of the house. Luckily nothing happened.

So even though I have the freedom to say what I want, there can still be consequences. I never meant to cause my husband anxiety and I will refrain from giving unsolicited grandma advice from the car window.

I am thankful…

that it cooled down a little bit. Last week was miserable weather for doing much of anything. It was hot and muggy.

I’m thankful that the wedding I worked on over the weekend went beautifully.

I’m thankful to have known Mr. Steven Marks, who passed away last week. I loved hearing all of the stories about him at the funeral and I am inspired to “Be Like Steve.”

I am Reading …

A book about Akron and World War II, written by Noah’s high school running coach! I have a signed copy!

I am going…

In the kitchen…

I think Chicken kabob tomorrow night.

From the Learning Rooms…

I continue to work with Miss C. on her reading, writing, and math. She is up to lesson 67 in 100 Easy Lessons.

Rosie is starting The Tale of Two Cities this week and working through the Bravewriter Boomerang for language arts.

A photo to share …

Mr. Pete and I with two of my sweet sister-in-laws, about 38 years ago.

A quote to share…O happy Mary of happy merit, who deserved to be the first of mortals to see the Son of God rise from the dead. For the love of him, you despised the allurements of the world. Commend us to him, we beg you, by your assiduous prayers that we may enjoy with you, O Lady, his most happy presence. From a Matins responsory in the Dominican tradition for the feast of St Mary Magdalene.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” 
― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

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