Simple Woman

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Outside My Window


Flowers that my daughter gave to me for my birthday. I planted them in the front garden and they are now blooming!

I am thankful…

About my nephew’s wedding on Saturday. Mr. Pete and I did the music for it. I had about 15 minutes of prelude music to play – which no one listens to, but I texted my kids and at least they got to hear it. The bride was radiant, my nephew looked so handsome, and my sister was beaming. PLUS, I got all my family together again in one place. it was a good day.


I am thankful…

that my family all made it to the wedding safe and sound.That we have a lovely new bride in the family. I’m grateful that Mr. Pete and I were asked to provide the music, and that we were able to do it. I’m just filled with love and gratitude.

Today's wedding music courtesy of this trip!

I am going…

I am pondering …

One of my most painful memories as a child are of the times that my grandmother decided to completely quit talking to me. This happened many times, from as early as I can remember until her last illness which happened when I was 17. If I said something that offended her or rubbed her the wrong way, she would just start giving me the cold shoulder, and no amount of pleading, crying, cajoling, or reasoning could get her to crack. Once her iron wall went up, it was impenetrable. As a teen, I tried to give as good as I got, but I was a complete rookie when it came to freezing people out. I just couldn’t do it. I still can’t.

About 17 years or so ago, I had a similar experience with a close friend. No explanation. Nada. I was devastated.

But I also wised up.

Those experiences affect me to this very day. I have tried since day one to let all of my children know when I am angry with them, and why but to also reassure them that I love them. I have never stopped speaking to any of them ever. They don’t have to wonder what I think or how I feel. We keep the lines of communication open. It’s been very good for our relationships.

Also, every day I ask Mr. Pete at least once if he’s mad at me. He usually says with a grin and a twinkle, “Should I be?” That means, no. I’m good with that. I ask my friends and even my kids, “Are you mad at me?” Most of the time they’re not even acting mad, perturbed or annoyed. They know I just need to check to be sure and to be reassured. They know it’s one of the quirky things about me.

But here’s the thing about turning 60. Where I am now I see that there are more years behind me than ahead. I don’t have time for crap like this. I am a devoted, loyal, and loving person. I am also a penitent. If I have wronged someone, I just need the opportunity to repent. But if I’m frozen out, I can’t do that.

I’m not going to plead, cry, cajole, or reason. I’m done with that. Do you have a problem with me? Then just tell me. Let’s talk it out. I hate having hard feelings between us. On my end, the door will always be open with extended olive branches and a willingness to listen.

However, if you can’t or won’t, I am willing to turn the other cheek – and walk away from your general direction, stay out of your way, and give you space. Hearts can be broken – I like to try to protect mine as much as possible.

In the kitchen…

A lot of grilling and salads.

From the Learning Rooms…

Rosie is finishing up Sense and Sensibility. She is also studying her Physical Science Text and practicing her piano.

One of my Favorite Things…

A quote to share…O happy Mary of happy merit, who deserved to be the first of mortals to see the Son of God rise from the dead. For the love of him, you despised the allurements of the world. Commend us to him, we beg you, by your assiduous prayers that we may enjoy with you, O Lady, his most happy presence. From a Matins responsory in the Dominican tradition for the feast of St Mary Magdalene.

“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”
– Dave Meurer

A Photo to share

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