Amazon Prime Day Savings

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Being an Amazon Prime Member has its perks. I first joined because I knew I was ordering enough things through Amazon that I could save on shipping. For books and household items, it has been a great deal for my family!

Amazon Prime Days in the middle of summer make it an even better deal, especially since I like to start my holiday shopping now.

Audible is a big part of our homeschool for literature. My kids listen to it when they’re tackling some of the more difficult classics. I use it to listen to the books I want to “read” while I’m driving or doing my house work.

I wrote a post about my 6-years of being grain-free/ gluten-free. Being able to get the products I need without shopping at different stores, or saving money on these items at the grocery has been very valuable. I can also elect to have things delivered on a subscription basis, which comes in handy over the holidays when I do more baking.

Just last week I was looking for a book for Rosie’s upcoming literature course. The library didn’t have it, but I could get it as a Kindle Book for only $3.00!! Sweet!

I don’t like to shop for clothes. I LOVED getting this dress on Amazon. When I typically do is find something I like, and then get a couple of different colors of the same thing. This one I wore to my nephew’s wedding a few weeks ago. It was super comfortable and had pockets!!

For my arthritic knee. I wear these every time I work out or tackle a strenous walking trail!

I bought this for my husband on Father’s Day. He can take all of his books for choir as well as his books for Sunday School and even have a place to keep his laptop. I mainly wanted him to have it for Sunday mornings, but it will work well on trips too!

This was my biggest purchase this year, but well worth it. This elliptical doesn’t take much space and it doesn’t need to be plugged in. It’s quiet too so I can work out and watch t.v. at the same time. What do I watch? Videos on Amazon Streaming of course!

See also my posts on Back to School, Gluten Free Living, and British LIterature.

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