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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

  1.  My firstborn baby, my little boy, the kid that made me a mom, turned 30 this week!  I celebrated by having a Palooza of old photos for five days on his Facebook Page. It was a lot of fun for me and he told me that he and his wife enjoyed it very much. Some of those pictures I’m sure he didn’t remember, but they sure captured some precious memories!  

Where did the years go!? In this picture, I am just a few weeks older than he is now.

So 30 years ago today, we became a little family.

I remembered when they laid him in my arms for the first time, I remember thinking that my life would be full of baseball and football games.

That never quite happened. I spent a LOT of time at the pool watching him swim and compete and at various soccer fields all over the county.

I’m glad that I had photos documenting all of that because he really appreciated them, his wife liked them and I think his new friends got a kick out of them as well!

2. Ohio changed the law about sending in the homeschool notifications. It used to be that you could send them in anytime, but you had to send them in. They tightened that up a little bit by ruling that notifications HAD to be in by the first day of school in the district. As I have lamented here before, since school starts in many places in August (mainly because of the football season) homeschoolers are going to be crunching to get their notifications in on time.

From the HSLDA e-mail:

As you know, in April the state board of education approved changes to the homeschooling regulation, Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3301-34.  The Ohio Legislature’s Joint Committee on Administrative Rule Review has reviewed the rules, which will be in effect for the coming school year. The changes relate to when a homeschooling family must submit their notice of intent. HSLDA has always recommended our members file their notice of intent around the time school starts in their district. This is now a requirement of the rules.

I had already prepared for this. Since I will have a high school athlete this year running for the local public school, I wanted to make sure all of her paperwork was in order. I got her physical done in May and I had my notification in on July 1. When I turned them in, I asked that they give me a receipt or something with the date to prove that I complied. I’m glad I did too because after waiting two weeks, I still hadn’t gotten my letter back from the superintendent. When I called, they said they sent it on July 2! They were pretty good to work with though. They let me come in and pick up a letter AND then sent one to my house, so now I have two!

3. Next week is going to be especially difficult. Rosie will have her running practice every day at 7:50 until 9:00 ish, and then we will have to race over to the local theater for her to participate in Shakespeare camp!! This is an intensive 20-hour program where she will learn how to analyze Shakespeare plays and tips for performing in them. Last year we did an overview of Shakespeare and Rosie has seen Romeo and Juliet as well as MacBeth performed live. I think this will be a special treat for her!

I put her in this as a way of making up for the fact that she will not be in a drama this spring at our co-op. I thought for her Freshman year as a high school athlete, the rigors of the track season would be enough for her to worry about.

I also wanted her to see what it was like to work with a different director and different people. I would not be surprised if she has yet another Google Group going for her new theater friends at the end of this week.

4. I fasted for almost a full 24 hours this week! I was not ravenously hungry by the end of it. In fact, I felt pretty good. I even walked over 2 miles in a fasting state and didn’t feel lightheaded or hungry. It went so well, I might give it another try this coming week!

5. As a family, we finished Stranger Things, Season 3. It started slower than the first two seasons. In fact, the first episode was a little boring, but it picked up steam quickly and the last episode really kept us on the edge of our seats.


I watched this last spring with my Physical Science Class. It has interviews with the astronauts who made it to the moon and back as they shared their stories and thoughts of traveling to the moon! What a great way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing!

7. Starting high school homeschool next year? Here’s a free eBook on the 10 essential things to include in your home school. It includes a free workshop too, so you’ll want to take advantage of that!

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