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Outside My Window

Outside My Window

A nice discovery on my walk today. #akronohio #summitcountymetropark #crosscountrymoms #wildflowers
Wild flowers on the towpath trail
Spent the evening with these beauties. #muttonhillsheep #akronohio #akronlife

I am thankful…

The sheep at Mutton Hill, gently grazing before the sheep herding demonstration. We were there Saturday night and got to tour the Perkins Mansion main floor, watch the sheep herding demonstration, and watch the movie Babe outdoors. What a fun family night!

I am thankful…

for the sacrament of confession that I was able to receive last week and for the opportunity to celebrate the feast of Pentecost with my family!
Feast of Pentecost! #pentecost #catholichome #catholic #catholicartsandcrafts
I’m also grateful that Mr. Pete is slowly recovering from an arthritis flare and hoping that I can get him to go see the doctor soon!

One of my Favorite Things…

My son’s restaurant was featured in Akronlife magazine for June! They are getting lots of other opportunities and this idea that was just a dream, is really taking off!

In the kitchen…

Pentecost breakfast! #catholiclife #pentecost
Rosie enjoying an egg sandwhich for breakfast. I’m planning to make some egg and pepper scrambles this week and some other easy dishes. It’s summertime and time for grilling!
From the Learning Rooms…

Rosie is trying to get a jump on her English Literature class for next year, so she is reading ahead. She already read Frankenstein. Last month she read Lord of the Flies and now she is tackling Sense and Sensibility. We’re also going to use British Literature by Master Books.

I am going…

A Photo to share

A quote to share…O happy Mary of happy merit, who deserved to be the first of mortals to see the Son of God rise from the dead. For the love of him, you despised the allurements of the world. Commend us to him, we beg you, by your assiduous prayers that we may enjoy with you, O Lady, his most happy presence. From a Matins responsory in the Dominican tradition for the feast of St Mary Magdalene.


A quote to share…O happy Mary of happy merit, who deserved to be the first of mortals to see the Son of God rise from the dead. For the love of him, you despised the allurements of the world. Commend us to him, we beg you, by your assiduous prayers that we may enjoy with you, O Lady, his most happy presence. From a Matins responsory in the Dominican tradition for the feast of St Mary Magdalene.

1 Thessalonians 4:3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality;
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