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 This content uses referral links. Read our disclosure policy for more info. This means if you make a purchase, I get a little change to keep up my Diet Coke habit. It’s a win/win. 

  1. If you haven’t checked out the Wading Through Curriculum series over on Just a Simple Home, you’re missing out. My contribution on Brave Writer’s Help for High School is up now!

2. We’re almost in the middle of “Pride month.” I wrote a piece on What to Tell your Catholic Child about Pride Month. It will be up on Catholicmom.com sometime Tuesday. I think it’s a fair, balanced and informative piece.

But I’m girding my loins for potential backlash and some trolling.

3. I’m getting the hang of using WordPress!

But let me tell you, it’s a steep learning curve. I read article, after article, after article, on how wonderful WordPress is and how much better it was than Blogger. Right now I’m thinking, “Meh…” It’s okay. But I was a boss with the Blogger interface and I could customize it anyway I wanted to. It was super easy and intuitive. WordPress is more techy.

Still, I’m here on WordPress because I wanted to write articles like “What to Tell Your Catholic Children about Pride Month,” without worrying about being deleted or shut down.

4. EEEGAD, no wonder this country is in such a mess considering what passes for theology on television these days.

I caught a snippet of the current Bachelorette talking about how she’s having sex, but “Jesus still loves me.” You can see that at about 3:00 minutes in here. That’s part of the, “Jesus loves me so I’ll do whatever I want” theology.

Then there’s the Sunny Hostin version of Catholicism. This is “I’m more Catholic than the Bishop” theology along with a healthy dose of “The Catholic clergy are all pedophiles so we should be able to do whatever we want” theology.

5. I’m making a lot of nice mom friends at cross country practice every morning. In many ways I’m starting all over. All of my middle-school mom friends that I’ve known for years are going to different high schools. The gals I knew when Noah was running aren’t here any more. It’s a whole new world.

But overall, I’m happy with the coaching that Rosie is getting. They have a plan and a purpose and every day she’s getting stronger and making new friends herself. I think it’s going to be a great year.

6. For co-op next year, I’ll be teaching two classes, Logic and General Science. I must be nuts! My plan though is to get both of my syllabi done this summer, read ahead and be able to hit the ground running. I’ll also be teaching Miss C. first grade and Rosie for high school!

7. For Father’s Day, Mr. Pete is having 8 tons of limestone delivered to our back yard. I guess we’ll be shoveling that on Saturday. He’s also taking Miss C. to her very first birthday party on Saturday! These are the things he does that make us celebrate his awesomeness on Father’s Day!

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  1. It’s good to be able to read your blog again. For some reason, I haven’t been able to pull it up for quite awhile.

    1. Thanks Karyn. I just moved it from Blogger to WordPress by myself – a bit of a job!

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