SImple Woman

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Outside My Window


Hanging on my back door for now. I bought this at Pat Catan’s a few years ago. I put it up for Valentine’s Day and then left it up until St. Patrick’s Day because it’s a nice shade of green. Then I couldn’t bear to take it down so I thought I’d l leave it up until Noah and Mr. Pete’s joint birthday party. So since the last birthday is today, I guess I’ll put it away and have a bare door until Easter. That really feels like a Lenten sacrifice to me. I enjoy seeing something on the door. 

I am thinking…
This is my last regular week of teaching science at our homeschool co-op. I told my students that I would be giving my evaluation of their class participation and their lab books to give to their parents. 

This class being over is going to give me an extra three to four hours per week that I was using to do class preparation every week. That included getting materials together for experiments every week and looking for videos that went with the chapter to put on the class Youtube channel.  I also had significant time into it at the beginning of the year to make the syllabus. Then, of course, there is actually teaching the class so I probably have over 50 hours for the entire year. 

I’ll miss my kids, but I’m happy to reclaim that planning time towards something else. 

I am thankful…
That Lent is going well for me this year. I’m putting in the time and effort and I feel that I am making progress in my prayer life this year.

I am pondering…

About 10 years ago, my homeschool group was growing, dynamic and I think really helping a lot of moms get closer to Christ and grow in their Catholic Faith. Then there was dissension in the group about a few little things and it almost dissolved into nothing. 

I mention that because as I felt that I was growing in faith this Lent, Mr. Pete and I had a stupid fight last week about a new mattress!

And it dawned on me that whenever things seem to be growing in a spiritual sense, something like this can come in and cause discord! Maybe that’s what that last line of the St. Michael’s prayer means, 

all the evil spirits who wander the world for the ruin of souls. 

All is well now. I went to confession. Mr. Pete has his new and very high mattress. And since I’m no longer allowed to do impact aerobics, I use one of my aerobic steps to help me get into bed at night. 

One of my Favorite Things…

Holy spirit power! Rosie and her confirmation sponsor.

Rosie was confirmed last week and Noah was her confirmation sponsor. 

In the kitchen…

Izzy works nights this week and track practice has started. So I’m sticking with easy stuff this week starting with pork chops and mashed potatos tonight and meatloaf tomorrow!

I am wearing…

Grey Hanes work out pants, a long black thermal shirt and gray hoodie.

I am going…

From the Learning Rooms…
Miss C.
Five In A Row

Preschool Books that I got during the Build Your Bundle Sale including 
Preschool Skills by Bonnie Rose

We are up to Lesson 35.


A Photo to share

With our baby.

A quote to share…

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1 Comment

  1. Love your quote. Thanks for sharing.

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