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The Simple Woman Daybook

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Outside My Window


The actual view of my window in the dining room, looking out!  The remnants of Valentine’s Day still linger. 

I am thinking…
What a busy week Valentine’s Day is!
We had a homeschool family dance last Saturday. Mr. Pete and Rosie went with me to pick up 150 pieces of fried chicken and 5 trays of cheesy ziti to deliver it to the dance. 

It was also Miss C’s first dance with her daddy!

Valentine's Day Dance 2019 009

Valentine's Day Dance 2019 025

And I got to dance with my son and Mr. Pete. 
Valentine's Day Dance 2019 112

Then on Wednesday, our co-op had a Valentine’s exchange. So we made Valentines and brought our bags and boxes!   


We were supposed to go to another party on Friday, but Miss C. had a cough and a fever so we stayed home, but only after we had already prepared brownies and more Valentines!  I saved those Valentines for next year. 

We at the brownies!

I am thankful…

That we have such a vibrant homeschool community and that I can still be a part of it. 

I am reading:

The Brave Learner

You can read about this book and listen to a pod cast about it here. 

Get the Free Companion Guide Here. 

I am pondering…

Some things I read about osteoarthritis of the knees. My knee is not swelling and it doesn’t hurt that bad. Considering how messed up it is on the inside, I think I can live with it for a while. So just as I researched natural ways to deal with ulcerative colitis, I think I’m going to look into some more natural remedies for osteoarthritis. 

I am using CBD oil on my thumb which was giving me fits. I’m not sure how effective it is, but it seems to really soothe the inflammation. It’s also in with so many other nice smelly things like lavender and mint, that I rather enjoy applying it!  The actual cannabis is like the 12th ingredient. It really shouldn’t be the marquee ingredient!

One of my Favorite Things…

Cough and a fever, but still that sparkling personality!


In the kitchen…
White Chili

I am wearing…
Gray pants and a purple cable sweater. 

I am going…


From the Learning Rooms…
Miss C.
Five In A Row

Preschool Books that I got during the Build Your Bundle Sale including 
Preschool Skills by Bonnie Rose

We are up to Lesson 20.


It’s also High School Testing Week, so I’ll be attending that FREE webinar.  Hope some of you can join me!

A Photo to share

At Michael’s they had a Valentine’s Day Box decorating contest. Izzy made herself as a  Lego character!   So this is Lego Izzy!


A quote to share…

With cake for him and soup for me!
Happy once
Happy twice
Happy Chicken Soup with Rice 

From Chicken Soup with Rice

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 a win/win! Read our disclosure policy

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