Dear Rosie,
On March 22, your father’s 61st birthday, you will be confirmed as a full member of the Catholic Church. Not many people our age have daughters YOUR age. Most people in their late 40s were even afraid to have children then. I’m glad we didn’t listen to them!

You have always been a smiley, happy and vocal little girl! Dad and I used to tell our Pre-Cana couples that you were the exclamation point to our family, and you certainly have been. You have always brought us so much joy and love! How did we ever get by before there was you Rosie Dot?
Congratulations! I know that you have really worked hard to understand and learn as much about your Catholic faith as you could before receiving this sacrament. But we also see that you have been very open to learning about your faith ever since you were a very little girl! You have been on your faith journey since your baptism, through elementary school, celebrating the feast days, making your peg saints, going to Little Flowers, and going to PSR every week.
The cool thing about being a member of a church that is 2000 years old is, there is always something else to learn! Your Dad and I continue to learn new things about our Catholic Faith. I hope we have been a good witness to you as you go forward. Learning your faith doesn’t end now – it’s just beginning now that you know the basics!!
The cool thing about being a member of a church that is 2000 years old is, there is always something else to learn! Your Dad and I continue to learn new things about our Catholic Faith. I hope we have been a good witness to you as you go forward. Learning your faith doesn’t end now – it’s just beginning now that you know the basics!!
There are a few things your Dad and I would like you to remember as you reflect about your life and your faith so far. I always admired your confidence. I remember your first race at the Bill Heideman when you asked me, “Mommy, what if I don’t win?” Winning that race was a definite possibility in your mind and I just loved that. In whatever you have tried whether it was running, piano, art or singing, you always go about it with gusto and enthusiasm. I love that so much about you!
I also love your strong sense of right and wrong. This is one of your best qualities in my opinion. I love this about you too. I can see why you chose Saint Perpetua for your patron saint. Or she chose you? I’m not really sure because you have talked about her ever since you learned of her. But she spoke out bravely when she believed what was right, and so do you!
Yet I know that sometimes you get a little anxious and scared. Here’s the thing Rosie – everyone gets a little anxious and scared sometimes. Just remember that your best treasure is your Catholic Faith. Say a prayer when you need strength, or encouragement, or perseverance. Even when you are all alone, you won’t be. Jesus, Mary, your guardian angel, the saints, they are always there. And I’ll bet your grandma, Maryrose, and your big brother Raphael are interceding for you too. Don’t be afraid to ask for their prayers!
We are looking forward to your high school journey. There will be challenges there too, but I’m sure you will meet them with your usual style and grace. I look forward to delving into your faith studies with more depth.
You were named for two strong women. Remember that. I guess I haven’t mentioned enough that those two strong women were named by two other strong women!! All of them were grounded in their faith in Jesus Christ and their knowledge of His word. That’s what made them strong!! Never forget that or their examples.
You were named for two strong women. Remember that. I guess I haven’t mentioned enough that those two strong women were named by two other strong women!! All of them were grounded in their faith in Jesus Christ and their knowledge of His word. That’s what made them strong!! Never forget that or their examples.
Thank you for being such a great daughter. We are honored to be your parents!
With Love,
Mom and Dad
Some bible verses to remember!
Proverbs 23:22
Listen to your father who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.
Ruth 3:10
“May you be blessed by the Lord, my daughter.
Ah, you are beautiful, my beloved, ah, you are beautiful. -Song of Songs 2:15
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. -Proverbs 147:3
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. -Matthew 5:8
1 Corinthians 9:24
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. -Matthew 5:10
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