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1. Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Josephine Margaret Bakhita. Although St. Josephine is not an American Saint, I think it is very fitting that her feast day is in February, during Black History Month. 

Launch of Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking

Catholic Church England via Flickr, licensed cc. 

2.  I am just absolutely flabbergasted by the decision of the Supreme Court on the Abortion law in Louisiana. I am especially annoyed by Judge Roberts and his siding with the liberal judges on the court in voting to keep abortion “accessible  to women.” 

To my leftist friends, don’t mourn for the loss of Justice Kennedy. Roberts is a combo of Judge Kennedy and Judge Souter. What a bitter disappointment he has turned out to be. 

What we’ve learned from this decision, as well as the one against Texas a few years ago, is that women have a right to an abortion. 
They do not have a right to:
As we have seen in the past, you just have the right to an abortion. Anything above that is not required and in fact, could be breaking the law.   How is this better than back-alley abortions of old? I have no idea. 

And by the way, Ann Coulter is about the only political commentator I trust these days. She alone saw the ascension of President Trump to the office, and she also was very vocal in her opposition to Roberts getting on the SCOTUS.

3.  My son is a government/foreign affairs/philosophy major. According to his professors, the historical importance of the State of the Union address has pretty much died. 

Although it is constitutional that the president informs Congress of the state of the union, it really wasn’t a big deal to most people until the 1960s with the rise of television. 

Now it’s kind of traditional and a nice public relations opportunity for the president to speak his mind and get all of his thoughts out without opposition while he’s speaking at least. 

With that said, I enjoyed President Trump’s speech this week. I thought he delivered it well, and I thought it was well crafted. I especially enjoyed seeing the World War II veterans in attendance as well as the young cancer survivor. 

4.  I’ve started Julie Bogart’s book, The Brave Learner,  and I’ve been thinking about the first chapter. She had a friend who had a table  covered in paper and art supplies so that her kids could create art anytime they wanted. 

We only had one table and that was to eat on, but I did have shelves with art supplies that were low enough that kids could get to them and create anything they wanted to. Now my girls have bedrooms that are part bedroom/ part art room. And when my granddaughter comes over, I have ample supplies for her as well. 

I’m not a big fan of leaving supplies out in the family area all the time, but I do believe in having the supplies where kids can get at them and encouraging them to use them. 

rosie's village

Need some Valentine’s Day inspiration?  Check out my Pinterest board!!

6.  This week, my laptop died, which was unfortunate because I had some videos that I wanted to share with my Physical Science class about the NASA disasters. I discovered that I have learned enough about Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia that I could give a pretty thorough lecture of how ignoring scientific method lead to the deaths of 17 astronauts. 

Going over these disasters gave my students a way to see how the science we have studied carries over into industry and into something like the space program. These included weather, temperature, wind, chemistry, gravity, force, and scientific theory, laws, and methods.  It was a great class and I think the students really enjoyed it because they were alert and asked a lot of questions!  

7.  God bless my husband!  In the last month he has put together an elliptical machine so that I can exercise without putting any impact on my knee, and a day bed  so that when Miss C. spends the night, she doesn’t have to sleep with anyone else. She will have her own space! 

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