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1.  My son appeared on New Day Cleveland last week promoting his restaurant!


As I type this, Rosie is away at the parish retreat for confirmation preparation. It is a bizarre requirement of the diocese that all the teenage confirmandi sleep on the floor overnight at the parish school before they can be confirmed. I’ll never understand how that became a condition to receiving this particular sacrament, and only for the 8th graders. It boggles my mind. 

However, she was excited about seeing her friends although anxious about spending the night. I look forward to hearing all about it.

But I gotta admit, the house seems strange without her. Even her cat has been pacing anxiously back and forth all morning until she exhausted herself. I know she’ll be glad to see Rosie again too.

We’ve got five weeks left in our co-op and I’m down to the last three chapters of the Apologia Physical Science book. Last week we talked about radioactivity and radiation sickness. I tried to reference popular culture by mentioning the death of Spock. 

Blank stares from the class.

“You know,” I quipped, “From Star Trek!”

Again blank stares. None of them knew who Spock was and they had never heard of Star Trek! I had to explain the whole concept of the Starship Enterprise and a multinational and planetary crew! So I saved a clip to our Physical Science Youtube Channel, along with some videos about Madam Curie, who we also talked about last week. 

Hey if you want access to my Physical Science or General Science Youtube Channel and my syllabi for those classes they’re free when you sign up for my newsletter. 

Speaking of Youtube, if you ever want to judge whether you are living your financial life right (or not) watch the Dave Ramsey channel on Youtube. I just finished binged on a few hours of those videos and I’m exhausted. 

and grateful.

I may not live in the best house in the best neighborhood, but the house is paid off and it only costs a little over $100 a month to live here for property tax and insurance. I told Mr. Pete all we have to do is fix the downstairs into our bedroom like it was when we moved in and move the washer and dryer to the main floor, and we can get old and die here too. Where else could we ever live that cheaply and debt free? 

If you missed High School Test week at the Home Scholar – too bad for you. It was a great event with lots of important insights. 

So don’t miss out on this.

Getting Transcripts ready for your homeschooled student is like getting ready for tax season – it’s not fun but someone has to do it. It’s easier if you know what you’re doing though and this FREE webinar will help. I’ve already got my 8th-grade student’s transcript started and ready to go. When she starts high school next year, we’ll be able to hit the ground running. Here’s where I learned how! 

I’m feeling sorry for Cardinal  Dolan and his Twitter account. 

I think Dolan means well. I think he is trying to be a good leader .

And I think he will fail spectacularly unless he actually excommunicates Governor Cuomo for his stand on abortion. 

At any rate, this should make the St. Patrick’s Day Parade interesting to watch in a few weeks. Here’s a potential preview.

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