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7-quick takes winter

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I had two big performances to give within a span of six days. On Friday, I played with the bell choir and the joined choirs as part of Lessons and Carols. It was an ecumenical effort between our church and a local Lutheran church. I had played at this particular church before many years ago with my flute teacher, Anita Exline. I don’t remember what we played or what the event was, but I did remember this beautiful interior. This is what they have at the very front of the church, Christ and the Gospel Writers. 

Holy Trinity Altar Piece

I have another performance tomorrow night and then on to Christmas Eve.

Saturday was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It was also a holy day of obligation. Because I played for Lessons and Carols, I could not go to the vigil mass. For some reason, most of the churches in my area didn’t add much more than a vigil mass for the Feast Day. My church just had it’s regular 8 a.m. mass, but we couldn’t attend that either because Rosie had to run with her team at that time.

So I planned to hit up the noon mass at a downtown church. They are well known for their midday mass so I thought that would be a perfect solution for us. 

However, when we got there, the priest was explaining to a handful of people that there had been a mistake in the bulletin and that the Feast Day mass had been at 10 a.m. and that the noon mass was canceled. But more and more people showed up, so the nice priest went ahead and had mass for us, and we were very appreciative!

Immaculate COnception Advent Wreath

Today was the Feast of Juan Diego. Because the feast day fell on a Sunday, the Second Sunday of Advent took precedence. Nonetheless, Juan Diego is one of my favorite saints. I have an entire post about him here. 

Thumb pain and knee pain and bad tooth – oh my!

When I started transcribing for a new company last week, my thumb joint became very painful. So painful that even holding my flute became a chore. I self-diagnosed tenosynovitis. I might be right. Ice, a compression glove and Aleve seemed to help it, as did staying off the keyboard for a few days. 

The knee gave me a few tweaks of pain last week, mainly after sitting, but if I walk around and stand a lot, it’s not a problem. 

The tooth is taking me to the dentist on Wednesday. I’m going to see if we can hold off on doing anything too drastic until after the holidays because I can’t play if my mouth is swollen or if I have to baby my mouth!!

I used to wonder why my grandparents and mom used to complain about their physical problems, but I think it’s because each new symptom is such a surprise! It kind of helps to talk about it. 

A few weeks ago, I submitted my General Science Syllabus to the Homeschool Thursday 2018 Freebie. And it was rejected!!

When I thought about it, what they were saying was that my syllabus wasn’t even good enough to give away for free. 

Bruised ego aside, I learned a lot about the process and what they are looking for.  The giveaway items were mainly for early elementary students. They included a lot of printables and complete curriculum. 

This wasn’t that. 

I also think you have to be in the midst of middle school and high school working through a big textbook to appreciate a syllabus that gives you a timeframe for getting pages and experiments done. This is exactly what Mother of Divine Grace does with all of its syllabi. 

Their loss is your gain. If you want my updated syllabus complete with a link to my Youtube channel with videos to go with the chapters and other resources I used besides the Apologia Test book, just sign up for my newsletter. 

A few months ago, I became a member of the Rosary of the Month Club with the Christian Catholic Shop. 

They also have a Catholic T-shirt Club of the Month.

Catholic T-Shirt Divine Mercy Premium Catholic Tee

I’ve been very happy with the rosaries. They come every month like clockwork and I’ve given most of them away as gifts. I might change over to the T-shirts after the first of the year though just to give them a try.

Last year we got several deserts in the mail! My kids and husband were thrilled with them. They came right to our door, packed in dried ice with serving instructions. They were fun to get!

If you need to send a gift long distance, something from Bake Me a Wish might be just what your looking for. 
Send holiday gifts, holiday cake delivery, Bake Me A Wish!
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