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7-quick takes winter

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1. I’ve been working for Rev for about three weeks now. This is a company that provides transcripts for a variety of industries including business, legal, entertainment, some medical and a lot of prison phone calls. The beauty of the job is that I can log on any time I want and I can take any job I want, whenever they have work available, which appears to be most of the week and a little bit of the weekend. I can even turn a job back if I don’t like it. 

I made it out of Rookie status and am now an official “Revver.” That means I make more money per job and have more jobs available to me. It’s such a nice refreshing change from my 27 years of medical of transcription experience. Last week I transcribed a restaurant owner giving his recipe for beef tips and last night I transcribed an interview with a woman who had worked on Air Force One for over 24 years. The diversity is a lot of fun for me and I hope I have a long relationship with this company. 

2.  Part of typing so much and playing my flute a lot has been hand strain. Aleve kind of helped a little but what really helped was some CBD oil I bought at a local health food store and a compression glove. After a week, the hand is much better and I was able to transcribe a 20-minute audio report last night. 

3.  Miss C. got to talk to Santa last weekend. She had been happily chatting away while we waited one hour for our chance to see Santa. But when it was finally our time to see him, she looked at me with fear in her eyes and said, “What do I want?”

I reminded her of the items she had mentioned to me and Santa was able to prompt her a little too. He was very kind to her and made her feel very special and loved. 

It was worth the long wait!


4. For the first time in 29 years, I will not be spending Christmas with my firstborn. We did get to see him and his wife for three days at Thanksgiving and I’m grateful for that. I’m still allowed to be a little sad though right? 

I’ll be playing a lot anyway. So far I’m playing for two masses on Christmas Eve and then again on Christmas Day at 11. The real celebration for us will be Christmas afternoon.

5.  Rosie is running twice a week with a group of kids from the cross country team. If she is able to run with the group for at least twice a week for the next 10 weeks, she’ll get a Polar Bear Running T-Shirt. So even though the regular season is done, I’ve been driving her to run at 8 a.m. on Saturday and then other parks after school so that she can put in the miles. 

Is there a Polar Bear Mom shirt?

6. Even after two decades of homeschooling, I’m still learning things. I put Rosie in Algebra 1 this year because she did so great on her standardized test last spring. (99th percentile!! Who does that!?) She has been doing okay… but it’s clearly a struggle every day. So for the second semester, we’re dropping back to pre-algebra just to firm up some concepts. I’d rather she be an A student in pre-algebra than a B/C student in Algebra 1. Since she’s only an 8th grader, we have the time. That’s the great part of being a 
homeschooler- having flexibility. 

7. Are you looking for a song to add to your Advent Music play list? This is one I recorded with the Peace Together Choir a few months ago and it has quickly become one of my favorites. 

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