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Outside My Window
I am thinking…
A couple of weeks ago, Miss C and I went to the library to read some books and let her have some play time. We went into the children’s section of the library where I hoped to be able to find a big comfy chair that we could sit in together and read all of the books that my granddaughter inevitably piles on my lap to look at.
When we got there, the children’s area was packed with teenagers. One girl had her phone charging in the wall and she was surrounded by young guys and they were all laughing, talking and looking at their phones. Charlotte and I made due with a child-sized chair at a table. My knees were in my chest and she could not sit on my lap to read, but we had a nice time together nonetheless.
Eventually, most of the teens left, except for the girl charging her phone in the wall, so Miss C. and I migrated over to the oversized stuffed chair. The young woman looked at me and said, “scuse me, but someone’s sitting there.”
I looked around to make sure she was talking to me. She certainly was. Then I made sure that I wasn’t accidentally sitting on someone! After making sure the area was clear I replied, “Yes, my granddaughter and I are!”
But she persisted. “Nah, my friends are still sitting there. See this is their stuff.” She pointed to a pile of book bags next to the seat, but not on the seat.
I told her as nicely as I could, “Well, they are not here now and I need this chair to read to my granddaughter comfortably. This is a public library. Besides, this is not the teen section. That is up in the front. This is the children’s section, and I’m here with this child.”
She quickly let it drop and eventually pulled out her phone and went away. We were there for another 30 minutes and I never did see those other teens come back for their backpacks.
I bring this up for a couple of reasons. When I was growing up, younger people deferred to adults. If an older woman had come into a room, (especially a grandmother with a child) the younger boys would have jumped up and offered their seat! And if they didn’t, the ladies in the room would have reminded them. I doubt that I ever saw a younger person tell a grandmother that she couldn’t have a chair because her teenage friends wanted it!
There might have been another dynamic going on. Although I look Hispanic, this might have been a racial thing. Or it could just be that we neglected to teach the next generation how to act in public. Or how to handle disappointment apparently judging by how young women have acted this week over the entire Kavanaugh confirmation process. To me, the younger generations seem entitled to have what they want, when they want it and if they don’t get it, they have no problem demanding it – whatever it takes.
Who knew all of those participation trophies would be so detrimental!
I am thankful…
that Judge Kavanaugh was confirmed and sworn in and we can now move on to the next big thing.
I am pondering…
The best gift for my grand niece’s baptism in a few weeks.
One of my Favorite Things…
In the kitchen…
Chili cheese potatoes.
I am wearing…
Black skort and black t shirt
I am going…
- Walking, exercising, weight lifting and ab work as much as possible. I’m trying to make every walk a 3-mile walk in about an hour.
- but really trying to pray the rosary more this month.
- to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan recommendations
and Intermittent Fasting.
- Working on the “lose the mummy tummy” goal. I’ll be documenting that more in a special e-mail list. If you’d like to follow the ups and downs of that, click here.
- More flute practice in this week. I will be back to playing for church in a couple of more weeks.
- Prepare my labs for Wednesday for my science class. I have 5 experiments to get done in one hour this week and I’m trying to figure out how to get it all done.
Miss C.
Five In A Row
Preschool Books that I got during the Build Your Bundle Sale including
Preschool Skills by Bonne Rose
Apologia Physical Science
Latin for Children
Spelling U See
Tolkien Class
The mystery of History
A Photo to share
A quote to share…
Men are like wine – some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age. St. Pope John XIII