Exploring Creation with Physical Science – Chapter 2

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Last month I blogged a bit about the Physical Science Class that I’m teaching at our homeschool co-op and one of our experiments. 

We have continued through Chapter 2 of the textbook and are now in chapter 3. 
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One of the hardest parts of teaching chapter 2 of this course was  finding bulb thermometers!  I am not kidding. You cannot go down to your local Walgreens and pick up a regular bulb thermometer and even if you could, they wouldn’t be cost effective for a class. Luckily, I had these from years ago when I started homeschooling and they still worked great!

The other thing I noticed is that you have to have a lot of balloons, jars, bottles and bags for this course. I bought a bunch of jars at Michaels and we have been using them regularly. We used them in Chapter 2 and I see they are coming back in Chapter 4. 


So far my biggest out of pocket expenses have been for vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and yeast. Yes – I will be able to use these things again at home but I will wait until the end of the year to see if I have any left!

Teaching tip for Chapter 2 – make sure you get that balloon on that plastic bottle tight!  It’s under pressure and when you go to take it off it will go flying off – spreading yeast and hydrogen peroxide all over. I smelled like bread or old champagne for the rest of the day!!

Second teaching tip – Tea candles work great for the experiment in Chapter 2 and they’re cheaper for a class!

My other tip would also be – go easy on the yeast and be prepared for the bottle to feel warm when you mix it with hydrogen peroxide. I even felt it was a little uncomfortably warm!

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