The Simple Woman

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Outside My Window

2018 Cross Country - Buckeye 009

I am thinking…
that of all the outpouring of affection for John McCain last week, perhaps the most appropriate was given by Lindsey Graham. This is how you do it. 

I am thankful…
for the Catholic Funeral Mass. In the mass, we avoid things like this. 

This is an example of a great homily/euology for a funeral. 

I am pondering…
the start of the school year and the busyness of fall and how much I dread and look forward to it at the same time. 

One of my Favorite Things…

Cross country!

Walsh Time Trial 2018

2018 Buckey meet - rosie

2018 Cross Country - Buckeye 007 char

In the kitchen…
I am coming up on 5 years of being grain free! It was challenging but I really don’t miss it and it has been wonderful for my health. My eczema cleared up as did my colitis, my blood sugar dropped and I lost 30 pounds. 

Further research has shown me that I also need to limit my sugar intake, which I have also been doing as well as practicing intermittent fasting. 

But with fall holidays and celebrations coming up, I do want to be able to make some desserts that are better for my family and keep me on my diet. Looking ahead, I am planning on making some of    these deserts 

healthy dessert recipes collage

I am particularly interested in the Carrot Cake Cupcakes.   It would be kind of nice to pop these in the lunch boxes on co-op day!

I am wearing…

Shorts and a workout top. I got in 2 1/2 miles this morning. I hope to make it up to 3 miles before the end of the week. 

I am going…

From the Learning Rooms…
Miss C.
Five In A Row


This week we have to start co-op, so we will start Physical Science first. 

Noah is also back to school. He has been on the Dean’s List all 4 semesters so far. This year he is only taking classes in his major, so he should be a pretty happy camper this semester. 

I am also preparing for this online course for 10 weeks this fall. 

 I am going to be having Miss C. five days a week this fall to homeschool along with Rosie. I really want us to get more into a  Bravewriter Lifestyle, particularly movie day and tea time! I found a lovely tea set for me and Rosie to use and I want to find a few more cups for Miss C. (just in case she accidentally breaks one.)

Rosie has become a prolific writer by following a Bravewriter philosophy and I want to pass that on to Miss C who also writes prolifically, although only she knows what she is writing!

A Photo to share

August 2015 041

A quote to share…

Pope Gregory I
St Gregory the Great
Father Lawrence Lew OP via Flickr, licensed CC

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