Amazon Prime Day – What I buy with Amazon Prime

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Amazon Prime Day is a big flash sale that starts at midnight on July 16 and lasts for 36 hours starting at 12 p.m. Pacific/ 3 p.m. Eastern time. To participate, you must be an Amazon Prime member, which will set you back about $120 per year or about $12 monthly.

I have been a prime member for years and it easily pays for itself each year. Here are some of the biggies I use it for.

I have purchased my homeschool books from Amazon for years. When Noah started attending college, I started saving hundreds on his school books. If I purchased everything new from his college bookstore, textbooks alone would have cost us $200 or more. I haven’t spent anywhere near that much in all 4 semesters he has attended so far. I go online and get his textbook list and I compare the price on Amazon vs. the bookstore. A couple of times it has been cheaper to rent the book from the bookstore, but most of the time, I can buy used or rent at substantial savings from Amazon. With Amazon Prime, I save on shipping too.

This surprised me, but I was also able to get some of Noah’s textbooks in a digital format! He just downloaded the Kindle app to his laptop and had access to his textbooks. I also use Kindle unlimited to find the books for 5-in-a Row for my granddaughter, and books to share with Rosie. We even found some of the Shakespeare books we needed for the online course she is taking this summer.

Of course, I have a lot of things on my kindle for me too!

I’ve been completely grain free for almost 5 years now. I purchase my almond and coconut flour as well as coconut aminos and cooking oil from Amazon Prime. It’s fast and easy to order and usually arrives within a day or two. This saves me from trying to find these items in the local grocery or specialty stores. It’s fast and convenient.

One of my acquaintances with several children with food allergies and a very busy husband has most of her groceries delivered from Amazon to her door. For her, it’s a big time saver and she doesn’t have to put kids in car seats and go to the store to find the specialty items they need.

Last year I purchased a Lenovo Idea Pad laptop. I primarily wanted to use it to show videos to the kids in my General Science class. I had DVDs from the library and lots of videos on Youtube. (If you want the link for that, sign up for my e-mail list!)  It worked well for that. My granddaughter also uses it when she comes over to play games on Nick Jr. I use it to watch videos, answer e-mails, and a catch up on my social media.

It’s sturdy! One day I dropped the kids off at co-op and went down to the local drugstore to pick up some supplies I needed for a science experiment. I opened the back of the van and my Lenovo actually fell out of the back and hit the pavement hard! Other than damaging some of the trim on the side, the computer powered right up and worked great.

A few months later when it had a bootup issue, I was able to send it to Lenovo for servicing and they fixed it quickly and sent it right back – they even fixed the damaged trim on the side! I would definitely recommend them for their customer service alone!

I use Audible all the time, particularly in the fall and spring/summer as I do my power walks during the kids’ cross country practices.

Looking over my past purchases for the year, I have used Amazon for printer supplies, tools, camping supplies, car parts, bunion spacer, and surprisingly, even clothing!

This year I plan to stock up on a lot of my supplies and keep an eye on the deals as they roll out. My hope is to get a jump start on Christmas shopping!

Happy Prime Day!

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