7-Quick Takes

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1.   Recording in the studio this week for the Peace Together Choir. 


2.   Rosie suffered her first migraine headaches this week! She had an aura first (luckily, I knew what that was) and then she got socked with a headache that took her down for the rest of the day. She felt well enough to run yesterday, but she said her head pounded during her run and she only did three miles. 

When she got another aura after the run, I gave her an Aleve and the headache only lasted half the day. I hope this is just going to be a two-time thing and not a regular new occurrence. 

I haven’t had any aura or scotomata at all since last September. Maybe that will be true for Rosie as well. 

3.   USA Today had a big article this weekend about the sad state of maternal mortality in the United States.  Sad but true, the best thing a new mom can do in preparing for her birth is to be a good healthcare consumer and do her homework! You can check out my childbirth tips here. 


4.   I will have done four weddings by the end of the summer. Three of those I have done in the month of July. Overall, it’s been okay. The brides have been great, only one medical emergency, and I’ve gotten paid. 


A couple of years ago, I got chewed out by a mother of the groom because she thought I ought to have ushers come back to release the pews. Prior to that, I left those decisions up to the couple. But this mom was really upset that I didn’t have a set policy on that and started to actually cuss me out for it. Her verbal attack was so vicious that other people actually started to intervene for me!

mother of the groom 4

I was stunned. 

After that, I did ask a professional wedding coordinator about how to handle releasing the pews after a wedding. She told me that she always has two groomsmen or ushers come back to release the seats, no matter what. I have done that ever since until recently when a millennial male mansplained to me that the preferred modern wedding etiquette was to just let the guests leave as a “glob.” 

They say you have to pick your battles. I might actually resist this change. I kinda like the pew release. It keeps the church organized and people don’t have to stand too long to get through the receiving line. 

5.  One of my favorite philosophies of Bravewriter is one on one time. Rosie and I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Shakespear together this summer. After she recovered from her migraine, we watched this wonderful CD on Richard II. It also has some great features on Hamlet and the comedies. 

 6. But tonight, we are going to see Romeo and Juliet in an actual theater! What a nice highlight for her after all of these weeks of reading about Shakespeare!
7.  Lee Binz’s Webinar 12 Keys ot HighSchool Success is packed full of helpful hints, encouragement, and wisdom. When I started homeschooling high school, Lee was my go-to person for figuring out transcripts and planning courses. I highly recommend her fun and informative webinars. 

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