7-Quick Takes

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1,  Last Thursday, my article for Catholicmom.com was due. Folks, I just checked my stats over there and I have written 56 guest posts! I think that puts me definitely in the top 50% of single contributors as far as volume goes. 
But back to last Thursday – I could not think of a single thing to write about. Every idea that popped into my head seemed lame. Then I got the idea to write something about Humane Vitae. When I researched it, there seem to be a lot of articles already over there on the topic. When I found this one I knew that I couldn’t add anything more to the topic and I gave up. 
Back to square one!
Then the idea came to me that I should just write about something on my mind, so I decided to write about my Aunt Dot. So I did. 
2.  Within hours of it going live on Catholicmom.com, I got an e-mail that the manager from Spirit Catholic Radio wanted to get ahold of me for a radio interview!
Image result for Spirit Catholic Radio Network logo
You can listen to that interview, which aired yesterday, right here.
I think that I can truly say this was a Spirit-lead event. He gave me the topic to write, drove me to write it and then it got picked up unexpectantly. I can only think that somebody, somewhere needed to hear about this. I hope it was helpful.  
The night before that all happened, a lady outside the grocery store wanted to give Mr. Pete a flyer for an event at her church. She asked him what church he went to and he told her, “St. Sebastian”. 
She frowned and said, “You know Baptists, Catholics and Methodists are all going to hell.” 
Pete wanted to try his apologetics skills, but he also wanted to get home and grill some burgers so he just told her, “I’ll pray for you if you pray for me.” 
The slightly surprised lady told him, “OK!” I thought that was perfect!
4.  I got my notice from the Akron Public Schools that it was time to ask their permission to homeschool Rosie again. I always find that amusing because according to the regulations in Ohio, I am not asking for their permission. I am notifying them that I am going to be homeschooling my daughter again. 
This year, they are also asking for a photocopy of MY high school diploma. If I can’t find it, the name and address of my high school will suffice. 
Except… that’s not in the regulations either. I am allowed to simply assure them that I have a high school diploma. I don’t have to prove it. 
Here’s what the official form looks like. But since there have been so many irregularities in Ohio about notifications for homeschoolers over the years, I decided to fill out the Home School Legal Defense form instead and send that in. That sends a special message too. 
5.  My oldest baby turned 29 this week. I mentioned this in my telephone interview, but I spent most of the day texting his baby pictures to him and his wife. She loved it and it was so much fun. 
6.   I’m stepping out of my comfort zone this weekend by letting Rosie go to a bonfire with another family tonight and then to an amusement park with them all day Sunday. Long-time readers will remember my issues with auto accidents. But my daughter is a very social being – I’m trying to calm my inner fears and let her go. I might have to take a drink or something to calm down until she gets home though. 
7.  I do have my syllabus done for Physical Science. I must have been feeling ambitious because I did it for the first and second edition of Apologia’s Physical Science. 
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