Simple Woman

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Outside My Window


Izzy on the soccer field in the spring.

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I am thinking…
about Noah going to Rome this week. I’m so excited for him but also a little scared. This is the first time one of my kids has gone out of the country. However, my mom went to the Vatican in 1988 and even played the organ for Saint Pope John Paul II!  I’m sure she would be proud of her grandson in heaven. 

I am thankful…

for my children who made me a mother, and I am grateful to my mother and grandmother for all of the care and love they gave to me and my sister. 

I am pondering…
today is the very last day of the Build Your Bundle Sale.  This was my first year as an affiliate, but my second year as a customer. There were a couple of things that surprised me. 

First of all, the affiliates and contributors had their own Facebook page as a way to pass on information and get assistance. But it morphed into an actual community of friends and supporters. I’ve been blogging for 15 years, but not as a way to make money. I learned so much from the professional bloggers there – not just about earning income from blogging, but about doing it with integrity and respect for each other and for the customers. Everyone supported each other. 

I was also blown away by the types of products available in the bundle. As a Catholic homeschooler, I was initially introduced to Seton Homeschool and then Mother of Divine Grace and Kolbe. I tend to be a bit of a rebel in that department. I never liked being tied down to one particular curriculum provider, so I have no problem shopping around. But of course, at the conventions, only the big publishers are represented. This bundle gave me the opportunity to see that there are homeschool mothers out there who are seeing a need and meeting a need and producing really meaningful and useful products for other homeschool moms. I was very impressed by the offerings. 

Save up to 95% on 20 Individual Bundles

I hope you all took advantage of the free planner! You can still get it today. 

Exclusive Gift for Mother's Day!

This is the last day of the sale. If you want to save money and get fantastic curriculum, don’t wait until the last hour. Do it now before their servers slow down!

And yea, as an affiliate, I would certainly appreciate your sale through one of my affiliate links!

One of my Favorite Things…

Brother and his little sister

I am hearing…
Listening to a show on Netflix.

In the kitchen…
Buffalo chicken dip!

I am wearing…
Black pants, gray shirt with 3/4 length sleeves, brown shawl sweater.

I am going…

  • Walking, exercising, weight lifting and ab work as much as possible. My knee was a lot better last week. I am hopeful. 
  • add some additional novenas next year with the help of Mr. Pete started saying the Divine Office with me in the morning and we are going to keep it up even now that Lent is over. 
  • to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan recommendations and Intermittent Fasting.  The longer I fast, the more it seems like work to actually eat!  I only do one or two meals a day now. 
  • Find something new to practice!  I have fallen in love with this  
  • Start researching everything I need to know before Noah goes to Rome this week.  
I am reading…
Designing Your Own Literature Based High School Courses.

From the Learning Rooms…

Adobe Spark (20)

Last week.
Charlie and apples

This week we are reading Blueberries for Sal
Learning about Pentecost
and learning about the letter B from Hands On Alphabet for Pre-school


Prairie Primer  – 
Reading the Happy Golden Years right now.

A Picture to Share…

Rosie’s first formal dress!
Rosie in white dress


A quote to share…

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