Simple Woman

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Outside My Window

Silly plants – don’t they know we will probably get some more snow before the end of spring!!!

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I am thinking…
about Holy Week. We are having special company on Easter Sunday – Mr. Pete’s sister and her family. So I am using the extra time without school to get the house in shape.  I started working on that yesterday.

On Wednesday is Spy Wednesday. Rosie and I will make a simple rope craft just to commemorate the day. Mr. Pete and I also have our last rehearsal before Easter Sunday Mass.

Thursday is Maudy Thursday and both of the girls are singing that night in the choir. Then Friday Mr. Pete and I will be with the music ministry for the Good Friday Service. The Divine Mercy Novena also starts on Friday.

I am thankful…

That Mr. Pete was able to get the ceiling patched. It should look much better for Easter Sunday.



He and I are having a friendly debate. Our church is virtually closing down for two months after Easter for “major” renovations so that it is in good shape for its 90th anniversary. I think it’s great to do repairs and upkeep, but I think it’s silly to close the entire place down for two months while we’re doing it. Mr. Pete thinks that it’s a true calling to preserve God’s churches and that some great saints became great because they restored beautiful churches.

And that’s true.

But I pointed out that while he was restoring our ceiling, the family didn’t have to leave the house.

For this, he loves me anyway.

I am pondering…

The Lenten Birthdays of Mr. Pete and Noah.   They had an 80 on their cake this year because that is their combined ages!

Birthday Party 2018

Birthday Party 2018

Birthday Party 2018
One of my Favorite Things…

Mr. Pete and Rosie taking the TARDIS back to the 1950s for the Father/Daughter dance

I am hearing…
The hum of my computer

In the kitchen…
Barbecued beef and potatoes with salad.

I am wearing…
Black pants, black T and gray hoodlie.

I am going…

  • Upper body workouts and core and adding more aerobics with a little step and some actual walking. I keep icing it and taking my Mobic prescription from Walgreens but overall my knee is feeling better all the time, and minimal pain. I am doing strengthening exercises for both knees now.  
I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

Adobe Spark (20)

Spring break!


Mostly spring break but a writing class continues. 

The Writer’s Jungle

The Writer's Jungle

Rosie is also taking a writing class online using the Once Upon a Time Saint series as the writing

We have a schedule!  Rosie writes her history paper every Monday based on what she has read in her history the week before. Also on Monday, she reads her assignment in Once Upon a Saint. Then on Tuesday she writes her assignment for that class and turns in her paper. Thursday is for revisions. She has another week to work on her St. Patrick theme though.

This semester she is also going to do drama so we will start reading

Using Bravewriter Boomerang Digital Download to study this book!

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