Outside My Window
This is the car my son was driving with Miss C. in the backseat when they collided with another car on the expressway on Super Bowl Sunday. Luckily neither of them were injured
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I am thinking…
the insurance company totaled the car. This is baffling since the repairs would be mostly cosmetic. We opted to take the money they offered and Mr. Pete is just going to fix it himself. In the meantime though, we are down a car.
I am thankful…
That no one was injured. Over Advent, I prayed the Christmas Novena 15 times a day from St. Andrew’s feast day until Christmas Eve. One of the things I prayed for was the safety of my family. I’d put this in the “prayers answered” category.
I am pondering…
The marriage retreat Mr. Pete and I attended on Saturday. It was put on by Dynamic Catholic and was presented by Dr. Allen Hunt. I had playfully posted last week that I was looking forward to going because when Mr. Pete had attended other faith conferences he had come back chastened and humbled. But the truth was that I was the one who was chastened and humbled. I didn’t realize the depth of my sorrow for the things I have done wrong in my marriage. But I learned something else too. Mr. Pete has a deep capacity to look past my failings and has a lot of tolerance for my imperfections. I am truly a blessed woman.
It was a wonderful day and I think it has further strengthened our 38-plus-year union.
If you get a chance to attend one of these, I would highly recommend it!
One of my Favorite Things…
Watching this girl sing with her peers.
Did I mention my son is opening a restaurant? He is. These are on the menu and they are delicious!
I am hearing…
Rosie practicing her piano lesson.
In the kitchen…
Butter honey salmon – delicious!
I am wearing…
Black pants, purple thermal shirt, gray hoodie, and my gray athletic shoes.
I am going…
- Upper body workouts and core and then trying a little walking or step. Did this yesterday and planning to do it again Friday and Saturday. My knee felt a little stiff after yesterday but I iced it last night and it was fine this morning. In the meantime, Walgreens reminded me that my Mobic prescription should be renewed, but I still have some left. So I guess it’s good that I am not needing that as much!
- add some additional novenas next year with the help of PrayMoreNovenas.com
- to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan recommendations
and Intermittent Fasting.
- Preparing my general science lesson for Wednesday.
- Keep practicing my recital pieces.
- Help Noah apply for some scholarships.
From the Learning Rooms…
My Granddaughter is in the Five-in-a- Row curriculum at Co-op and we try to follow through on the days she is with me.
This week in Five-in-a-Row they will be reading
Rosie is also taking a writing class online using the Once Upon a Time Saint series as the writing
We have a schedule! Rosie writes her history paper every Monday based on what she has read in her history the week before. Also on Monday, she reads her assignment in Once Upon a Saint. Then on Tuesday she writes her assignment for that class and turns in her paper. Thursday is for revisions.
This semester she is also going to do drama so we will start reading
Using Bravewriter Boomerang Digital Download to study this book!
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A student asked me if there was ANYTHING good about socialismThe answer is brutally simple:
Socialism is a creed of greed, envy, and legalized theft
100 million dead in 100 years
Everything government touches turns to crap
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) March 4, 2018