It’s OK to Succeed at Lent – My Latest at

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First Published March 21, 2017

 A lot of my friends and family have gotten rid of sweets, pies, cakes, and other goodies during Lent. Since I already had to give up those things to follow my special Paleo diet to control an auto-immune problem, I decided to give up one of my other favorite carbs – potatoes and all of their delicious forms- baked, mashed, hashed, and French fried!
As biochemistry would have it, losing those carbs and going to a lower-carb option of sweet potatoes and cauliflower has had some positive results on the weight scale!
Cauli-Potato Mash2

via Flickr, licensed cc

My son the EMT has decided to spend extra time this Lenten season learning Spanish. A lot of his patients are Spanish-speaking. To be better at serving his patients, he wants to improve his communication skills. I understand that so far he knows all of the major food groups!
So it might be that by the end of Lent, I will be slimmer and he will be on his way to becoming bi-lingual – and that’s a good thing! I’ve read a couple of articles about Lent and the Lenten sacrifice and how we shouldn’t fast, abstain and sacrifice for ourselves – and that’s very true!  Our focus should always be on coming closer to God.

Read the rest at My Latest on

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